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Here is some good Advice give by Dave007 on a previous thread,im sure he wont mind me passing it on..


Any move can be rough on a parrot. Even moving some birds from one room to another can be a bad experience. On the other hand, everything can be opposite. Try to make the move as non traumatic as you can. If you can keep your bird with you while moving, that's a great plus. When you finally get there, the beginning times for the bird will be a little rough because of a new location, surrounding but if you're there to show support many birds will eventually settle down. If your bird is a talker or the type that likes to constantly make sounds, expect him to stop that for a few days. His daily amount of time out of the cage is fine. When you move let him see as many familiar things as possible like the way the cage has been set up. A cage is a grey's home and should remain looking like it was.

I've moved a few times with more than 1 bird and there were no drastic problems. At first, they were nippy. I never tried to force myself on them. I just let them take their time studying everything and I set no time limits as far as how long this would occur. Normally, the grey will tell you that the transition has been complete and finally accepted. When you get him there, don't put him into the hustle and bustle of things that might distract him from calming down. Try to unpack your boxes a little farther away so he doesn't get rattled. Basically, take it slow and calm. Many people have to move for one reason or another. Another plus is that your bird is still very young. They will accept change much better than older greys that are very set in their ways. Even if he plucks a bit, he;ll stop as soon as things are calm. Greys sometimes pluck because ogf the intensity of things. While you and he are in a new place, constantly talk to him as you did before. Let him be aware of your presence as it used to be. Increase the amount of favorite treats that he likes. Continue your normal relationship with him as it always was. he likes sitting and annoying you at the PC? well, let him continue to do that. Slow, easy and with patience and calmness.




with have many members who have experience of moving home & hopefully they can pass on their thoughts ;)

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Just try & keep your greys routine as close as you can to normal,surround her with familiar things,set the cage up the same etc..Some greys willingly accept a new home,others can be very distressed by it.Im sure she will be fine,having taken her to see the new home would have definitely helped.

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My work collegue told me that her grey started plucking when they moved so i was terrified when i moved 2 months ago. (but she's not devoted to her grey which prob didn't help either) plucking is my worst fear.

But Tigerlily was absolutly fine. she's still a baby so that helped and we've bonded really well so that helped, once in my new flat she orrigianly moved to the bedroom so it'd be less stressful for her (less boxes and commotion) then to the living room for a week. then i had to move her out again to paint. she was a little scared of the colour when i moved her back into the living room but nothing major.

In all i must say that the cat was worse than the bird, she kept me up all night for the 1st two.:evil:

I also let her see what was going on, some people say to cover their birds so they get less stressed but i though it was important for her to see what was happening and see that i was with her all the way.

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Yes plucking is also my greatest fear! I have been home for two months and will be going back to work also. Im hoping the changes will not be too traumatic for her :(

Indy is still a baby at 6 months so hopefully will be accepting of the changes.



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yep i also went back to work a few months after i had tigerlily. I knew i would be returning to work soon after i brought her ( i borrowed money from my nan so i could get her sooner for that very reason;) )

With that in mind I left Tigerlily alone for a few hours quite quickly after getting her so she would get used to being alone and built up the time away.

Now i work full time and shift work and Tigerlily is fine by herself then when i come home, i'm all hersB)

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