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a guiet bird


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Hi. I'm brand new to any forum, but being concerned about my CAG Bella, I hope there are folks with more experience with greys.


Bella has been very quiet for about a week. She eats well, but is not as animated as she usually is. She still wants her neck scratched, but doesn't do her usual antics.

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I would say if there is a noteable change in behavior she should be seen by an avian vet. Has anything changed in the house at all? Sometimes changes in the enviroment or flock can cause behavior changes...but to be sure I would still go to the vet as soon as you can.


Birds always hide their illness so any change in behavial, eating habbits, voice...anything...should not be treated lightly. By the time a bird looks all out sick it can be too late to do anything. Catching things early when there is only small indications of illness always has a higher rate of treatments woring.

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I agree even a small change can mean something is wrong and because they are so good at hiding any type of illness I would take her to the vet just to rule anything like that out If the Vet gives her a clean bill of health then you can look for other reasons why she all of a sudden went quiet but to me it sounds like she is sick

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Hello and Welcome Bellas_Buddy!!


If Bella is eating normal, thats a good sign. How does her poop look, is it normal?


How is her weight doing, staying steady? Is it going down?


Is she sitting fluffed up more than normal?


Does she seem to have good balance?


If any of the above is true, you should take her to a vet for a check-up to determine what the possible underlying cause could be.

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Thanks for all the good advice. We had her at the vet about a month ago for her wellness check. She doesn't step up so getting her in her crate was hard. And the vet visit was so stressful for her that the vet couldn't look at her. So I hoped I didn't have to put her through that again until we got the step up going.


I know that I will have to get her in to the vet tomorrow. Any advice about making it easier on her and me?

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Well, I think that in the long run making sure that step-up/step-down routine is entrenched in her brain, that she excepts being weighed on a scale (personally i have a specific command 'scale' for when i ask my birds to step down onto a scale) and to except being toweled and having wings etc lifted briefly. Basically there's nothing in the short term you can do before tomorrow's vet visit but alot you can do to make future visits less stressful. Also, when your bird is undergoing something particularly stressful (towelling, blood samples or whatnot) LEAVE the room and wait outside the door. This way, the grey will not see you there while this is happening and will not associate you with it. After it is all over, come back into the room and 'rescue' your bird, give her lots of reassurance and snuggles, so you come off looking like the knight in shining armor to your bird, her 'brave rescuer' from the 'awful' thing that just happened. good luck tomorrow at the vet.

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