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HELP! Screeching New CAG


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Sunday afternoon we brought home a beautiful female CAG,she is five months old. Since she has been home she will let out these screeching noises. When we first brought Echo home, my TAG, he did nothing like this.

Is this something the CAGs do? My husband says it's because she's a female. Help me out here, PLEASE.


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When does she screech ? how often etc.. ?

parrot tend not to screech unless they are lacking something or want something,she is also a baby & it's early days she needs time to adjust to her new home,at the moment everything is alien to her. however be aware that parrots naturally "call to the flock" (you are one of the flock) several times per day. This is simply natural. "Calling to the flock" usually occurs in the morning, often times at noon, and again around late afternoon. Some possible reasons are they want your attention (sometimes parrots want our attention all the time!), they need food/water, something is amiss (we may not necessarily know what this is...you have to think from a bird's perspective), they are too cold/hot, one bird could be upset with the other bird, they could be upset about something in the cage, something around them is strange/different, they may not like someone in the home (a visitor perhaps), if they are situated by a window where they can look out something outside might be upsetting them, etc.

Tell hubby it's not because she is female :angry:

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She screeching when we are in the room, when we are out of the room, she has food and water. I have closed the shutters in the room so she can not look out of the window. Now she did have another female CAG with her. Could it be she is calling to her? She can see Echo from her cage, could she be calling him? or is she upset that he is here? Please what can we do to help this will girl:(

I told hubby he still disagrees:laugh:

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It may be because she can see Echo & she is missing the comfort of her clutch mates.If she is fluffing up with the screeching then she may be scared.You need to ignore her when she is screeching as you dont want to reinforce this behaviour, sit & talk with her & handle her when she is quiet.


Send hubby in my direction :angry: :P

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Hubby is on his way{Feel-good-0002006B}

She is not fluffed up. She is just sitting on her perch looking right at us. We ARE ignoring the behavior and even leaving the room for a while then coming back. Hubby just picked her up and brought her into the kitchen and put her on a play stand. He is talking with her and she is screeching back at him. Could this be her way of talking to us? If it is, she needs to learn another language:laugh:

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:laugh: Bless you Mary,your doing the right thing by interacting with her,i know it's hard but be patient with her.Just a though i know she is 5 months but is she eating well ? was she fully weaned ? It's not a crying out to be fed ? I'll have to continue this tomorrow with you im afraid,im in the UK & it's 1.10 am :ohmy: Shout me tomorrow if i can help ;)

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I wonder if she's mimicing a sound she was familiar with Mary. Bella comes up with some of the wierdest things and it is something she heard, and I may or may not have been aware of it, so to me it sounds like it's coming out of the blue. I have this mop thing that sprays floor clearner and it makes this high pitched buzzing sound. I ignore it, but Bella immediately started making that sound - I had no idea what she was doing until she did it right after I cleaned.

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If she is mimicing a sound that she heard it hasn't been here. We got home late on Sunday night and put her in her cage after we walked around the room a bit and she didn't say a word. Then Monday when we came home from work that was all we heard. A high pitch screech that is quite ear pierceing. She was just eating in her cage while I'm here on the computer she finished and started her screeching. I'm coming to call her breeder tomorrow and see he if can give me any insight. I don't want my TAG to start doing this too. :woohoo:

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If she is mimicing a sound that she heard it hasn't been here. We got home late on Sunday night and put her in her cage after we walked around the room a bit and she didn't say a word. Then Monday when we came home from work that was all we heard. A high pitch screech that is quite ear pierceing. She was just eating in her cage while I'm here on the computer she finished and started her screeching. I'm coming to call her breeder tomorrow and see he if can give me any insight. I don't want my TAG to start doing this too. :woohoo:

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She could be just missing her old flock and trying to call for them she will soon realize they are gone and settle down into her new flock I have had this happen with a few birds and usually it only last about a week to ten days and then they move on and settle into their new flock good luck mabie thy a new contact call with her somthing that you can deal with like a few short whistle or even a wolf whistle If she will whitle back at you it might stop the screeching

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Hi Mary,


It does sound like she is contact calling her old flock to see if they might be around. It's a whole new world and flock to her presently.


You and your husband are doing the right things in talking to her, holding her and perching her. The trust and realization that you are her new flock will soon set in.


You said: "My husband says it's because she's a female."


LOL - Well, we all know females do talk a lot more than males. ;-) but, I doubt thats the issue here. :-)

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oh yes I know that screech our female has it and our male never had it. When we first got her home she did it but now seems to not do it so often as we have been persistent in teaching her a specific whistle instead of the screech.


She does it when she thinks she is not getting enough attention from my boyfriend who is her favourite and also when he is not there she does it if she doesn't know where our other grey is, or if she wants to get close to him and he won't let her she uses the screech. If she can't see us she uses it...now being replaced by the whistle that she is learning. She does it if she doesn't get her own way or get something she wants, or when she is frustrated. I also tell my boyfriend she is a typical female....wants constant attention, wants things her own way and done when she wants them. She is a very demanding female.


Be careful as our male started to pick it up as well and I swear he does it sometimes just to wind her up, not to mention us.


I hate to say this but it has taken 4 months for us to reduce this noise that she makes and replace it. It's not completely replaced yet either, although now she is starting to talk which is making it better.

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My new female CAG did something similar when I brought her home. She actually had a lot of very loud sounds, which I never remember my male doing at her age. I brought her home at around 4 months and she's into month 5 now.


Prior to my bringing her home, she lived with other greys, conures, amazons, and a macaw, so I think that's where she learned to be really loud. It's hard to stand out in the crowd and get attention with all those other really loud birds screeching away.


She's grown out of the worst of it, but unlike my male who is fairly quiet, she can be really shrill when she feels like it. It's even better when her beak is right next to my ear. I'm sure it must be an OSHA violation. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

well monty suppose to be male:blink: but this sounds like the sounds he/she:unsure: makes .. to me it sounds like a noise that would come from a panther or cheetah or the like if u get to close to the cage at the zoo:P its hard to describe.. he does it when we in the room or out some times for 5-10 mins at a time but we try to ignore him. his ia about 5 months old now but had only started doing it the 4 wks or so.. at first i thought something had scared him but he still doing it and he's pretty laid back and doesnt scare easily, just hopeing by the time he gets to talking age he will forget to screech :lol: bless i wouldnt have him any other way tho :kiss: :kiss:

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