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Free Chlorine in water


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I just read and article in our newspaper that the local water company is going to add free chlorine to the water for the next month, should I be worried? I'm assuming the levels they'll be adding shouldn't affect Refund and Joey?



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Chlorine has to be used carefully, but it is harmless when used in very small amounts as a disinfectant to treat drinking water. It is absolutely essential that drinking water should be safe to drink and contain no harmful bacteria capable of causing disease. The addition of chlorine in small amounts at water treatment works gives maximum disinfection action before water reaches your tap. I wouldnt be too worried ;)

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Almost everywhere they add either chlorine or chloramines to tap water to kill off harmful bacteria.


I feel safe drinking it unless it smells very strongly of chlorine. Chlorine dissipates into the air over time or with vigorous mixing, so even if it smells strongly, letting it sit for a bit should help. (Or add aquarium water dechlorinator if you're in a hurry and paranoid)

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I suppose a lot depends on the quality of your water before the need to add chlorine, but I personally do not use our tap water without filtering it first. The owners of Parrots Naturally use reverse osmosis to purify their water. If in doubt you can buy purifed water for your Grey during the month. A few gallons should suffice.;)

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Living in south Florida we have excellent quality water. They do add chlorine to the water along with flouride and they do use reverse osmosis and other treatments. I believe if it's safe for human consumption it should be safe for your grey. I have read in a book about greys that chlorine is substantially harmful for your bird in the long run. I personally give Congo regular tap water. If your water does indeed smell strongly of chlorine then purchasing purified water would be a viable alternative. Like kitty said a few gallons should be plenty. Also getting a filter for tap water is an option that would benefit the whole household (I got to look into that myself). I always think it's better being safe than sorry.B)

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Chlorine returns to a gaseous state very easily, so by the time the water goes through all the pipes and comes out of your tap there shouldn't be much more than trace amounts. I've read that these trace amounts 'may' possibly cause infertility in small animals, but it's not really proven. You can also try boiling the water, which will definitely get rid of any chlorine residue besides killing any leftover germs :)

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i live in a city between milw and chgo. our water is so heavily chlorinated i can taste it. so i filter my water for drinking and coffee making and for the birds.


i figure if i do not like the chlorinated taste the birds won't either.


i use a big brita pitcher in the kitchen and i found a little 'travel brita' which is a pint or so with a filter cup that i use upstairs for the Boys.


it is easy enough and quick to do and even if it is a waste of time it still makes me feel better.


have a great day



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I would think that if it is safe for you to drink you should be all right. As others have said if you are worried, buy some bottled water or get one of those filters for your tap.

I would be wary of using reverse osmosis as it actually changed the chemical nature of your water, and does not necessarily rid it of chlorine (actually, most major cities use chloramine, combo of chlorine and ammonia, which slows down the evaporation of chlorine etc). Reverse osmosis actually takes all minerals out of your water and also reduces the PH of your water to at leat 5, it vaires with the source of water and system, but basically you end up with distilled water (but not necessarily without chlorine). I would be concerned that you might be removing minerals from the water the grey might need, and also could predispose him to problems should you ever have to give him non-reverse osmosis treated water. Reverse osmosis is used in fishkeeping to provide water similar in nature to blackwater rivers of south america and some parts of africa and asia (I've been keeping fish for five years and almost tried using thse reverse osmosis units, they're expensive). Most parts of africa have a high PH water with lots of minerals and 'salts' in the water, referred to as very hard and alkaline water. I seriously wouldn't worry at all about your water, as they say, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it) doing the whole 'special bottled water or reverse osmosis' is just one more thing for you to do and unescessary stress for you.

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where I live we have natural spring water coming through our taps and once every couple years we get a notice that they will be putting a little clorine through the pipes to clean up the pipes I still filter my water even though we have pure water in fact the water that comes through our pipes people buy eveyday in the store they started marketing it when water started being sold so I really don't think I have much to worry about we get nothing but pure spring water its wonderful

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