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work nights


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Need some advice (help)

I work second shift (2:30pm to 12:30am)

can i wake my grey at that time to spend a couple of hours with (him/her)? I usually stay up a few hours.

I will be spending 4 to 5 hours with him/her before work.

I am getting baby CAG labor day weekend (he/ she) is 5 months old.

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Ideally your grey should have at least 10 hours of unbroken sleep, i dont advise disturbing him/her when you get home from your shift.Maybe some of our members work shifts & will be able to share the routines with you.


We have a welcome room,why not pop in & introduce yourself ;)

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I also work nights I work 5pm to 11pm on monday and friday and 4pm to 11pm on saturday I would never disturb their sleep when I get home but they do get covered at that time because I'm not here at bedtime to do it so when I get home I whisper its ok its just mommy and I cover their cages as quietly and as quickly as I can then I leave them to sleep on those nights that I work I keep them covered for an extra hour in the morning just to make up for not being covered at 9:00 like they are used to if you always woked nights you can change your birds sheduele to suit yours but you will nee some good uv lights so you can turn day into night that way your birds could sleep while you are at work and be awake when your home you would have to figure out what is best for you and your birds. just make sure your birds get 10 to 12 hours of undisturbed sleep and than its all good

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Me and Kim have to figure out a way to do that as well, switch Loki's sleeping schedual to match ours, that is.


We both tend to be up until 3-4am on the norm. Kim works until 2-3am sometimes, so our sleeping schedual can be a bit wonky. I tend to work my sleeping schedual around hers so we can see eachother, that and so she can get to bed before me, since I sound like a chainsaw some nights (read: always :whistle: ) So we're going to have to work out lil Loki's sleeping schedual. We've also been debating on getting him a sleeping cage and put it in our secondary smaller bathroom (Is this safe?), since there are no windows in there, it's dark as a tomb and we can work around not going in there and disturbing him. We've been thinking about this since his main cage is in the living room, AKA the hub of our condo.


Also, with our place we rarely, if ever get any sunlight coming into our condo. We face north, so we only get a sliver in the afternoon. But plenty of reflected light off the opposite building. I've been trying to figure out if we're going to absolutly need a full spectrum light for him because of that.



Any thoughts? :)

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