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I just can't decide! - Need advice.


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Recently I posted that I bought a TAG baby but I actually have not handed over any money yet. My problem is that I now have cold feet. I'm supposed to give my down payment to my breeder tomorrow while I'm there for my weekly visit to allow the baby to get used to me, so the home transition is a little easier.


I once had a Quaker that was a blast, but one day it flew out of the house when I was cleaning his cage. With that bird I would come home from work and take him out of his cage and we would play for an hour or so, then I would walk around the house with him on my shoulder for a while and eventually he would end up perching on the cage in the same room I was in. My concern is: is this enough for a TAG? I keep hearing people talk about how it's like having a child, well I have two kids and I really would not want to have a third if they are truly like having another child.


If they are anything like a Quaker, then it will be a walk in the park for me since I already have experience with a Quaker. The biggest problem is not being able to "test drive" a TAG. I can only rely on another person's first hand experience which is different from person to person. Also animal care books tend to go to the extreme when it comes to care in my opinion. For example; I never scrubbed my Quaker's cage with bleach on a daily basis. Every 3 days, or as needed, and the cage scrubbed inside and out weekly.


I have wanted a Grey since I was 11 and I'm now 38 but I will go back to a Quaker if TAGs are truly labor intensive ultra sensitive birds like a lot of people claim.

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Guest Monique

Greys ARE high maintenance. But if you are willing to play with him every night like you did with your Quaker you are going to be fine. They are Really Smart birds so you have to be willing to put in the mental work and research if needed if you run into a problem. But if you are dedicated to spending time with him for a couple of hours each day at least, on a regular basis, for the rest of your life (since he might outlive you) you will be fine.

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Me and my Quaker were buds and we "hug out" with each other. I loved it when he would walk all over me or nibble on my ear. It was kind of like a back rub that my wife refuses to give me. I think I'm ready for a Grey beause although my Quaker was a blast, he fell a tad short of the personality I was looking for in a parrot. I got the Quaker hoping it was going to be like a grey for the fraction of the price but it just did not quite deliver. Quakers on the otherhand, are one of the best parrots on the market. You get a lot personality for around $250.


Thanks Monique, you helped my out a lot.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/03/24 02:39

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My final decision was to get my TAG baby.


I first learned of the CAG back in the 80's. My next door neighbor had a Mexican yellow head that spoke words, and as a kid, I was totally blown away. I bought a book that was all about parrots and I saw the Grey had a capacity of around 1000 words. 27 years later, I still want a grey. If I passed another opportunity to get a TAG, I knew I would never get one and I would live the rest of my life regretting not getting one.


I had a Quaker a few years ago and I was very disappointed loosing him. With the Quaker I learned a lot about what it takes to care for a parrot. It was quite a bit of care but the rewards were well worth it. Of all house hold pets one could have, the bird is my all time favorite.


I was successful with the Quaker, and I know I can do just as good with a TAG. If you can do it, so can I. :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/03/25 19:57

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Hin GreyMiester


Congratulation to your decision! I read alot and asked bot wners and breeders about your question when I had the smae thoughts. It must be around 25-30 persons I talked to and all besides 4 said its no problem but one important thing that almost everyone said ws that you need to make sure he/she got something to do when you dont have time for the bird. Nut I bet he/she will sit on your shoulder and hangout with you just as you quaker. If your lucky you might even get a hole in your ear for a earring!:P Tomorrow I will to go down to a breeder and pay the downpaynemt for a tag. Its a handfeeded girl and I will pick her up at the end of April. The cage I will get tomorrow so evrything will be done in time! I would love to hear more from you and you TAG sins were both new to them! Lets change experiences!!!



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TheGreyMiester wrote:

I plan to take lots of photos so be prepaired. :)


:P Nice!! I am... B)


Jimmy you too: congrats the end of April is real soon now. Wow, two new TAG owners here. I'm so curious to hear of your experiences :blush:

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