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My grey!


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I just couldnt wait! lol! I was on the internet to see if my money was in my account... AND IT IS! I'm buying my grey today! I will also take pics today.


What I'm going to buy today is..


The Grey.

A big cage that opens at the top.

2 perches

1 play/table stand.

A LOT of toys and food!

A camera(you guys and gals also need to see what my Grey is going to look like. lol!)

A smaller cage(only 6-7 weeks old.)

A lamp. cant let the little guy or gal be cold! and its winter here so its pretty cold some times!


Its 3:47am now. I will have pics at about 5pm. so just 12 long oh so long hours to wait before Gatiep is home!

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I cant wait till after school! I really want to miss school today!! I'm really considering it:P !! the pet shop is on the next block! Then I can pay everything and after school i can take everything home..


cant do it myself.. No wheels under me. Things worked out so that I'm not getting the Lumina.... But what use is a low car with a lot of power going to be if I'm going to study and work in a bush area. I'm going to work as a nature conservationest. Faxing my applications today. They have NEVER had a full class and If they do they look at school marks. so I just need to study a lot. So I'm buying a Ford Bantam. My step father works for BMW and the also build fords there. So he can get me 10% off a new ford. I'm going to buy one for only R90 000 brand new out of the box. I can even go look at it on the assembly line!!


Then me and the grey can go places! just need to find a place to buy a harness.

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ok so a brief recap on what happend yesterday. I bought everything including the grey. Today I'm picking him up. I could only pay because I bought food(and when I shop... I SHOP! lol!) so there wasnt any room. but I managed to put one play perch and food into the car. They showed me how to feed the Grey and how to make sure the food is made correctly.

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lol!! looks like you guys are exited as I am! I just fed him. I 'm going away today till sunday. I have "Trained" my mom how to feed him. I scrached him a lot under his wing. I want him to get use to the feeling of being touched. So I will be back on sunday...


bye bye

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Congratulations Christian. You are going to have an amazing experience with your new feathered friend.


" I scrached him a lot under his wing. I want him to get use to the feeling of being touched."


This is a really good idea. You will be able to get a harness for him so you can take him out in safety.

Due I suspect to a bad clipping experience before he came to me, my Misty won't let me handle his wings without being distressed so I have not yet been able to get him to take to a harness. It's a shame because he trusts me in every other way.

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ok. I'm going to school in a few mins. so I will do the resize later today. I gave Gatiep a bath! he had no problem with the water! I first let him down slowly into the water and when he was in i poured a bit of water on his back and he didnt have a problem. I'm starting to think the grey trusts me quite a lot

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