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Fruits and veggies


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Hey everyone. I have only had Malibu for a week now and I introduced brocolli and apples pieces. I also tried grapes and he did not want any grapes. He seems to enjoy the brocolli if I break it up and put it in his food bowl and the same thing about his apples. I was just wondering how much fruit and veggies people give their birds everyday because I have only tried these once a day and it was using in the morning. Then I don't give him any more after that and he just eats his reg. pellet diet and treats. How many fruits or veggies do you give them a day? And how much do you put in the bowl? Like I said I only put one piece of brocolli in and another day I only put one or two pieces of apple in. Thanks for the help!

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I am Booty's Mom, she is 11 months old. She had a Vitamin A deficiency when she was young, our vet shared his Macaws diet with us and we adopted the same. Her Vitamin A deficiency has cleared up (she lost feathers around her ears) and she loves the pellets that he suggested.


Basically, I shred fresh squash, zucchini, carrots and sweet potatoes daily. Put them in a container, shake them up and then fill one of her bowls with the veggies. The other bowl gets filled with her pellets, Roudybush. She absolutely loves them. I do this twice daily. Morning and night and then I will cut up chunks of veggies for her to play with and pick at. She does not get any other type of food except for this. She seems very happy. Our vet explained that fruit is basically candy, so it should be few and far between, also that some treats or food, may say it is 100% a daily food supplement, but tends not to be. I had to try with many different veggies with Booty, then I found a good mix. I switch them up alot so she does not get bored. Some days sweet potato, carrots and broccoli. The next day squash and zucchini and so forth.


Anyway, that is my two cents. Ha. Dont give up just keep trying...

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Hmmmmmmm interesting questions. Each person who owns a grey has a different routine of how, when and what they feed their greys.


I feed my grey oatmeal in the morning with a little bit of honey, during the day time she has access to her pellets and in the evening she has fresh fruit and veggies (chillies, broccoli, carrots, pepper, watercress, banana, grape, peas etc. I know parrots are wasteres but I offer her a lot of fruit and veg at dinner and most of the time she doesnt finish it. some if the other members will be able to tell you what they feed their greys.


Good luck



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Mine have a soaked fruit mix in the morning which consists of,papaya,pineapple,mago,cocount,peas,water shrimp,mixed berries to that i add whatever fruit i have in the house,so that could be pomegranate,kiwi,banana,apples,oranges.

They also have access to a good quality seed mix throughout the day ( mine our pellet haters ! )

In the evening they have a large bowl each filled with,peas,carrots,broccoil,sugar snap peas,sweetcorn,obviously i vary it from day to day to include pasta,rice,peppers,tomatos,a hard boiled egg as a treat,the list is endless really.

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