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Paint & Grief


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Hi all,


It is Booty's mommy again. Sorry I have been away for a while, but our 12 year old lab fell very ill about 6 weeks ago and it has been an emotional rollercoaster. I am sorry to say that our sweet boy Barley passed away a week and a half ago:,,,( The pain is so terrible, that is all I can say for now.





I am concerned about Booty though. She and Barley were buddies, she seems to be ok, just when we leave now, she crawls all over her cage as if to get attention to keep us at home. Not sure what to do. I know eventually we want to get another bird, but financially we cant at this time. We do leave the radio on during the day and she has a great shady window to look out of. I just didnt know if you all could recommend any behaviors that I should keep a look out for.


On a cute note, have I told you all that she says "I'm Booty Goo!" to everyone! Ha ha. That is usually our wakeup call, and she is almost saying ...almost there saying "I'm Booty Goo, who are you?!" For being 11 months I think that is great, yeah? She also says "hellooOOoo" in our houseguest's accent (british) she says HUR-RAH! (taught by our houseguest (British Joolie:) She says Huh?, we are not thrilled about that one, and "ooohh" in a very sympathetic voice, ha ha, also Woo! very monotone. It is so cute. Woo. We arethinking maybe from the owls outside not sure. She mimics the coffee maker beeps (really not happy about that one, ha) and she mimics all types of birds that fly around the Florida Keys.


Sorry about that side note, just had to smile.


So, we are trying to sell our house and need to paint our bathroom. SHould I take Booty over to a friends house and stay with her next weekend? Remember guys I am OVERLY cautious. We make all of our own house cleaners now, just for her. No one can blow dry their hair in our house and absolutley no aeorosils, oil, fragrance, etc.... Ha.


Any advice on the type of paint, the length of time that she should be out of the house and anything else would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you all so much.


Oh, and we are hoping to move to Charleston, SC. Is anyone from there?


Have a great day everyone!


Leigh & Booty :)<br><br>Post edited by: gbdb_kcb, at: 2008/08/10 17:10

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Sorry to hear you have had such a sad time of late,here's hoping things will start to look up for you & given time your pain will begin to heal.


As for Booty missing Barley she sounds as if she is coping well,signs to watch out for would be loss of appetite,non-vocalization,feather plucking due to the stress,basically anything that is out of character for her, but she seems to be coping well,some greys are more resiliant than others ;)


If you are able to stay over at a friends with her then i'd say yes this would be the ideal scenario,that way she isnt exposed to any fumes ;)


What's wrong with the British accent ? I'm British :P

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omg no, I LOVE Joolie's accent. Funny thing, she is teaching me as well as Booty, English. The appropriate English compared to American English. Joolie will say one thing in her accent and then repeat it Americanized, and oh my, how it sounds. I cant say banana, cant, progress or schedule anymore the American way.


No my friend, I wish I could live there. I have always had a love for your country!


Thank you so much for the advise. Yes, I will stay over at a friends house. I would rather be over safe than worry.


Thank you so much for your Barley condolences. Interesting thin, the day that Barley passed, Booty did not say one word, or the day that we brought his urn home. Bill (my husband) and I were of course a mess. I think Booty felt it, or maybe she was grieving a bit herself.


Thank you so much for your advice. I was actually going to email you 'love my grey's', I noticed you have a Blue & Gold Macaw. We are contemplating a Harlequin Macaw for our next family memeber. How does your household get along? Do you mind if I ask, why you chose a Blue & Gold Macaw.


Sorry if I am being nosy. I want to get as much information as possible.


Very best to you :)



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:laugh: Thats ok Leigh i was only playing ;)


Yes Greys can pick up our human feelings so if Bill & yourself were down Booty would have sensed this too,they do react to our moods.


Well my situation is slightly different from other members in the fact that i have a bird room for my greys ( 4 of them ! ) Their room is joined on to our living room, so they interact with eachother but also have human interaction :) My macaw lives in the living room but does come in to the bird room with me.

If you go for a macaw then obviously there is a size difference & the birds would have to be introduced slowly over time,out of cage time would for the time being have to be separate & supervised.look at it this way,if you get the macaw, your getting it for you & not for Booty,there is never any guarantees than any two birds will get on or even like eachother,but given time they might,try & get a macaw as soon as it is weaned as a baby this way the macaw will be more accepting of a grey .You can keep different species of birds & have a happy balance.


I actually always wanted a greenwing macaw,but for some reason this year here in the UK the numbers of babies has fallen,after waiting 6 months + i found Millie,fell in love & brought her home at 12 weeks still hand feeding her,she is now 5 1/2 months still on a night feed but is the love of my life ;)

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Oh I know you were kidding...


Let me tell you as soon as I read your second to last email, I said "awwww" then you wrote the last one and boy did I ever "ooooh and awwww" Omg, how sweet!!!!! I love the pic where she is resting her head on your shoulder! Thank you so much for your advice and you know what, right before I get your message, I told my husband, "in our next house, we are going to have a bird room." As we havent purchased a new house nor have sold our present house. I will keep in mind an extra room off of the living room so the bird room is not isolated! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Big kisses to your winged family and baby Millie. Sooooooo cute :)

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Very sorry to hear of Barleys passing.


You have my condolences. I wish Dogs lived as long as our Parrot friends.It would alleviate all of us losing several much loved canine companions through out our long lives ........ Love and best wishes to you.

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Hi -

I'm sorry to hear about your dog.

Your bird sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing all the cute things she's doing!

We recently painted and used an earth-friendly paint with virtually no fumes. We opened the windows, of course, but still you really couldn't smell this stuff. And it's good paint, too! The quality is wonderful. We got it from Home Depot.

Good luck!

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Thank you all so much for your kind words and everything!!!


As I sit here and start my day my little Booty Goo is singing out her window... (so cute!) Sorry side note.


Laurie that is awesome about the paint! Do you know what brand it is?


Thank you again all and have a great day!

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My dad just repainted the kitchen and back hall and Elmo and the finches did great. It's "Sherwin Williams Duration Home Green Wise" and there were almost no fumes. The smell I could smell was very light and it wasn't really a chemical smell. I opened my bedroom window where the birds all are and it was like nothing was being used in the house.

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Sorry about your dog. :(


I use the BIRD SITTER DVD to keep my TAG from being too unhappy when I have to go out. It's a video that loops automatically, and there are lots of parrots of every variety, so it's good for almost all parrots (my parrotlets don't like it, as there are no wee birds in the vid.)


As for painting, I would recommend that your bird stay overnight somewhere, even the mildest paint has some fumes. OR, house your bird far away from the room in question, close the door and paint after birdy bedtime. Keep the bathroom window open or the exhaust fan running non-stop.

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So sorry about your dog. I know its awfull,been their and wore the t shirt with cats dogs horses and birds. Still I come back for more. I am also in a delemer about Paint and wood preserver. I want to Put some wood preserver on the aviery but am scared stiff incase I harm the birds. They dont live in the aviery so could be kept away for a while.I am going to ask the vet for advice.

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