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What tests should I run?


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hey all,


jacko's amount of plucking is fluctuating right now but is much improved from what it was. it is picking up again but i know this is because he is stressed by the new food (zupreem fruitblend) and the new humidifier i installed (it odes make a low droning noise when it comes on but it is not so disruptive that it will disrupt sleep once they're accustomed to it (it is set as high as it will go, 55% humidity).


altho the vet is convinced that it is simply behavioural and an established habit, i just can't shake the feeling that there may be a chronic, non-lethal condition underlying, along with the behavioural.


here's what i noticed:

he plucks an approximately dollar-coin size spot from the underside spot of each wing just over his thighs, and only down/new feather growth. he appears to leave contours and established feathers alone, unless severly stressed or in the midst of an agressive plucking episode.

he also plucks along the tops of his wings and where his back meets his neck, but only down/new feather growth (so you wouldn't notice the completely bald spot unless he raises his contours.

in extreme cases where he is bored, lonely, under-bathed or whatnot he will extend this plucking behaviour to the underside of his wings from his shoulders to about two inches from where his tail starts.

he plucks when he is frustrated, not getting his way or when frightened or nervous (and he is a fairly nervous bird)

he plucks at night randomly, he plucks, chews agressively then shakes out his feathers and once he is content with whatever motivates him to do this he settles down to sleep again.

he also plucks aggressively when he wakes up first thing, despite having food/water available and all his toys.

the other time he plucks is when i am away

with all this info, which tests do you think i should run?<br><br>Post edited by: TinyTimneh, at: 2008/08/10 05:39

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Wish I knew. :ohmy: Everything I've been reading of late puts a lot of emphasis on the Grey's diet, especially calcium and beta carotene, in preventing or contributing to these problems. Is there any possibility of mites that could be making him itch? Are you using aloe vera spray to help relieve dry skin and itch? Good luck!:dry:

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unfortunately i've had no luck in finding aloe vera spray so i wouldn't know, although i do apply the gell to his bald spots, i notcied a change in the appearance of the skin afterwards, it went from being wrinkly to very smooth. as for mites it is doubtful, at this point in time if there was anything of the sort (especially blood mites *shudders*) it would've transfered to my other two birds and... ewww.. me. his beak and facial patch and legs all look okay, i give him a once over daily and see no problems. i suppose i could always check though, i'm thinking i might start turning the humidifier off at night, i seem to be waking up at the same odd times since i installed it so i think it's waking him and me up at the same time too.

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TinyTimneh wrote:

i notcied a change in the appearance of the skin afterwards, it went from being wrinkly to very smooth.


With humans if the skin goes smooth, it means the hair follicles are dead and nothing's going to grow back. This sounds a bit as if Jacko's going bald :blink: I've read that it's possible for birds to go bald (excepting flight feathers) without infections or mites, but the explanation was that it's genetic. Better ask a vet.


You can make aloe vera spray by dissolving the gel in water, or grow your own aloe vera (very easy to grow, trust me!) and strip a few leaves, rinse off the yellow sap and blend the pulp with water then strain it. Good luck :)

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lol, my bad for the obscurity darth_mint, i meant the skin smoothes out like that after I apply the aloe gel, but if i do not it returns to being kinda wrinkly, i've tried mixing the gel with water and it just ends up really slimy and he and i don't like it, he looks all slimy and greasy and if anything he has to pay even more attention trying to set his feathers right. I will however, try the plant. not much of a green thumb tho lol! but i will ask the vet about hormones because i think this may be part of the problem with him, i'm also getting two fo my three birds DNA sexed, (jacko and the linnie Altair) and all are getting microchipped, as well as the battery of test i'm going to run on the TAG and going to get the tiel's poop checked out (she maintaining weight, eating well and looks healthy, no fluffling so I'm not rushing).

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