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CAG witha White Tail?


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Has anyone seen a CAG with a White Tail? I have heard it is possible, but never seen one. My Friend was tellinng me about someone he knew that had one. I received pics and it definately looks like a CAG, Just wondering if anyone has seen this before.


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Hi Mattsemoto,


I've been to so many websites now, I don't know which one was I was reading, but there is one out there which goes into indepth information about the mutations of CAGs over time. It also has a picture of a CAG with a white tail. There's also pictures of CAGS with red shot through their feathers!


Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him...he's just unique!




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Cool. Thanks. i didnt think there was anything wrong just had never seen one before. I was interested in buying this particular CAG but after doing some more research, I found that this particular picture that the "owner" sent me was a Copywritten photo from a breeder and not in their posession. I am so glad that i was doing some research before buying and getting stung. It looks as though this person wanted to sell a bird they didnt have. I have contacted the breeder that the original came from for nore info. Will let you guys now how it turns out

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MrSpock wrote:

The grey that's pictured is minus the gene(caretinoid) that creates the red tail. No grey can be bred to look like that. When that happens it's gene based. The grey isn't considered a hybrid. -------Dave


or to much bleach was used cleaning his cage. :laugh:


J/K<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/03/25 03:15

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