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First trip out to get nails trimmed


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Hi, I am going to be taking Baxter to get his nails trimmed for the first time since we brought him home. His nails or talons are so sharp that is causes me lots of pain and blood daily, they are like razors. It's his first trip out with us and was wondering what to expect. We haven't had him too long and I was wondering about a few things.. Will this traumatize Baxter getting his nails trimmed? Will he lose trust in us for this? I don't know if he's ever had them trimmed before and I know it's been atleast 2 years if he has ever had them trimmed. I have a travel cage that he seems comfortable with so that shouldn't be a problem. Should I cover him while he is riding or not? He was covered when we brought him home and seemed to make the trip okay but would rather not cover him if it didn't make a differnce. Also, I was wondering about trimming the beak? Should I or shouldn't I? Thanks for any advice.

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No i wouldnt cover him in the travel cage ;) It may cause him a little stress but once back home & a few favourite treats he will forgive you,as for the beak it should look after itself & not need trimming,greys rub the beaks on their perches etc.. & this keeps them in shape.Once the nails have been trimmed be sure to provide an array of perches,sandy,cement etc & this will keep the nails filed down :)

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I had the same problem with Oisin where my hands looked like mince meat from his nails. I put a cement perch in the part of the cage he likes to sit in most and it improved within a week. I moved it then to be beside his food dish because I didnt think it would be good for his feet to use it constantly. It would be cheaper and less traumatic than a vet visit to try this first.;)

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Hi, thanks for the advice. I do have a couple of the cement perches in his cage but he isn't using them as much as I'd like. I might change them around and put them by the food bowl. I think I am lucky though I do not have to take him to a vet. I found a local bird food & supply store and been using them since I got him. She will clip the nails for $8.00. It's a family owned store and been around since the 50's and they specialize in exotic birds. I will definately change the cement perches to where he uses them more though. Thanks again.

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I well no the feeling of being a human pin cushion, my hands and wrists were a mess. But by having the one sandy perch by the food bowl really helped a lot. He has two other wood ones in his cage as well. I also used a emery board to just take the sharp tip off, it took 2 days to do but it worked he just thought it was a new game. ;)


Hope all goes well


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Oh yes, my hands are a mess:angry: and they are sore and dry all the time lately. So this problem has to be solved:ohmy: So far, I have put one cement perch by his food bowl and a gritty sand paper type one by his water bowl. I let him play on his portable table perch for a few hours this evening. It is very rough sand papery. I hope all this will help keep them worn down. He is going to get his trim tomorrow and I guess we will see how it goes. The emery board game sounds like it would work but I don't think he will let me play that game with him yet, maybe when he's been with me longer he will. Thanks for all the help on this. I never thought to move the perches where he would use them more but it makes a lot of sense. Now I am wondering after then nails are clipped will they still have sharp edges from the fresh clip?

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I have never been to the vets to have my greys nails trimmed as I do it myself. I would never clip/cut a greys nails but I suggest you file them down with a nail file. It is a two person job, one has to hold the grey and the other file. I to this once a month and no more bleeding fingers! I dont use any sandy/cement perches as they are bad for their feet. Instead get perches made from tree branches, i use willow.


She does hate having them filed down but it has to be done.


Hope this helps


Good Luck


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/08/10 18:04

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We just returned from the nail trimming. It was so much better than I expected. I sat next to him in the back seat. He was in a cage of course. At first he was hanging on the side of the cage but quickly decided the perch was a better way to ride. He was looking all around and didn't seem to be too shook up over it. His nails were trimmed & we went home. I did hear some loud squaks come out of the room though:)

The difference is out of this world!!!! Before he felt like he had razors on his feet and almost to painful to bear. Now it feels like soft soft leather. It even feels good:) What a difference. I didn't expect it to be that drastic of a change. Now we can spend more time together. He didn't seem to mind the trip at all. He isn't even mad at me, thank goodness.

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Hi Tycomom, oh the difference is wonderful. I highly recommend the nail trims. It was excruiating pain for me but I just grinned and beared it:S I was handling him less and less it hurt so bad though. I wish I could have taken him in sooner but he is so new to me and I was told to give him a month at home with me before doing something stressful like that. It went so good. Atleast now I know it doesn't have to be painful:woohoo:

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