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Hi all,

Haven't been on for a while (sorry), been pretty busy, but now a wee problem has popped up and we could do with some advise.

3 days ago we came home after doing the shopping and Alf was playing with one of his (unattached)tail feathers. Another 3 or 4 were still attached but chewed near the root. he has since removed these chewed ones by chewing them off rather than plucking them out. Then when we came in today, there is now a damaged feather on his wing that looks the same as the tail ones were.

Nothing in his routine or diet has changed, and he doesn't seem stressed at all.

One small change in his behaviour that he initiated himself, is his use of his birdy bunk - while he has used it for playing since i put it in there, he has never slept in it, up untill a few days ago, and now he curls up in there every night. the feather chewing started shortly after.

He hasn't touched any of his other tail feathers now that the damaged ones are out.

I have a few theories of my own, but really, I'm such a parrot newbie, that I'm not sure just how alarming this could be.

One thought I had was that he had fallen off of his perch (happens occasionally) and damaged the feathers that way, then removed them himself.

The second is that he does have new tail feathers coming through at the minute, and I thought maybe that was uncomfortable for him, and he's chewing at the site of discomfort, much like a dog would chew at a wound.

Another, more unsettling thought I had was that he is simply unhappy. we are home most of the time, he has a huge cage filled with toys, I always hide some treats when we go out, but it's maybe not enough.

One other thing that crossed my mind is that he is mayber a she - we never had him sexed - and that maybe she is starting to nest. How old are they when they start laying eggs? Alf is just over 6 months.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.



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Lyn at this point in time you can safely rule out the egg laying theory,he/she is far too young.

If he/she has just started to use the birdy bunk & the feather chewing started round about that time then i would say the two are linked, is he/she sleeping throuhout the night in this ?incorrect perching may be the cause of this.Is it possible to remove the birdy bunk & observe if there is any change/improvment in the chewing ?

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Hi Lyn, MY notion is #2. He or she is too young to want to nest. My tag has a birdie bunk that she LOVES. She has slept in it for the past 2 1/2 years. I don't think that's the problem. Perhaps watching her or he will give you the answer you are looking for. Try to rule out the others. I'm sure others have netter advice than I. :blink:

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Thanks to you all for the thoughts and advise. The problem is persisting, so will try taking out the birdie bunk (which i'm a little reluctant to do, as he seems to love it), but do very much want whats best for him. If still no change, I guess it'll be a trip to the vets :ohmy: to check to see if he's deficient in any way.

Another unexpected problem thats popped up is a few hospital visits over the next few weeks due to ill health - it never rains but it pours, eh!

Will do my best and keep you posted.

Thanks again.



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Thanx for that.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner - it's been a bit mad here.

I have an appointment at the vets for tomorrow, so will let you know how we come on - I found some mites in Alfies feed and suspect that is the culprit for the feather chewing, hopefully we will get to the bottom of it tomorrow.

The chewing hasn't been consistent by any means, coming and going, so it's a bit baffling.

Will keep you all posted.

Thanks again to all who offered advice.


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Lyn, I am sorry to hear of your health problems and yes it does seem to pour when it rains but I hope you get thru this just fine, I will keep you in my thoughts.


Glad to hear you have made an appointment with the vet to rule out any physical reason for the chewing but in any case keep us posted as we care.

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Thanks folks,

Sorry if I was misleading when I mentioned the looming hospital visits due to ill health, it's my Dad that's poorly, but Mum and Dad are both quite elderly and don't feel confident driving into the city (we're country folk!), so I will be his chauffeur for the next few months, which is going to take my away quite a lot! I'm fine, other than a trapped nerve (ouch) which left me housebound a couple of days last week.

Sorry again for the misunderstanding, but thanks so much to you all for caring.

Will let you know what the vet says.


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Hello to you all,

Had Alfie to the vet, and the verdict was mites!

I know its a terrible thing for my baby to cope with, and I feel soooooo guilty about it, but at the same time, I'm actually relieved that it is just mites, which the vet says is easily treatable. I mean, if he was chewing his feathers because he was unhappy, that's a whole bigger problem to solve, I think?

Any way, I gave him an Aloe juice bath when we got home, then applied the treatment, and bless him, he took it all like a trooper. He didn't even bite the vet, Which I have to say I'm a little surprised at, even tho he is well socialised, he doesn't like people to touch before he's on first name terms!

The infestation, incidently, came through his feed. I had noticed as I got near the end of the bag, that it was a little dusty, but never dreamed there would be mites in it, and it wasn't till it dawned on me eventually that it could be mites, that I had a closer look. The feed came from the breeder with Alf, and I think I just presumed it would be fine! Not a mistake I will ever repeat.

So hopefully, I can give the birdie bunk a good old wash and he can have it back - he did love it.

Another thing that I am delighted about, but which only adds to my guilt, is Alfie said his first words last week! Here he is going through all this, and still trying sooooo hard to be a good little bird. he amazes me! I got it on video, and hopefully you can have a look at it here;~




Thanks again to all of you who helped out with this - I've been beside myself. It's so upsetting watching him destroy his beautiful feathers and not being able to do anything about it, but hopefully this will be the end of it!


Thanks again.



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I most certainly will be contacting the breeder. I've sent them a couple of emails telling them how Alf is doing, but no reply. I'm beginning to think, maybe they're all about the money! I'm a bit surprised tho, as Alf was so well handled when We got him. I'm maybe talking out of turn. Will drop them a line and see what they say.

Alf seems to be ok tho, no new feaethers chewed today, thank heaven.

He's cuddling right in now - it's his cuddle time! Every night just before bed, he pops his halo back on his head and is just the sweetest boy.

Thanks again for keeping track on the Alf saga!


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Hay everyone,

Just a wee update for those of you who are keeping tabs on Alfies little problem!

After the initial dose of Spot-on, he hasn't chewed any new feathers, although he is still occasionally pulling at the ones he had already started on, but I think he just wants to finish those off!

He gets the second dose on Wednesday, but hopefully thats the end of it.

Kind regards to you all.


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Aren't they just the best when their behaving sweetlt and wanting cuddles. It always seems they like their cuddles just before bed, Tyco always wants neck and head skritches just before bed and a kiss good night and I better be prepared for at least 15 or 20 minutes of scritches or she won't go to bed otherwise. I don't mind though at least she allows me to touch her finally so I'm very proud of her. She just the sweetest most playful little baby. When it comes to her night time love she becomes an little grey angel. And any wrong that she's done that day is completely forgiven and forgoten you just can't stay mad at them when their being soooo sweeeet.:kiss: :kiss: :laugh:

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  • 3 months later...

Hay folks,

Just a quick update on Alfies little feather chewing incident.

A trip to the vet did confirm the mite theory and two courses of spot on does seem to have cleared it up.

Just to be on the safe side, I also removed his birdie bunk as it may have been infested, but he loved it so, I made him a new one and he loves that just as much!

He has also been getting aloe baths regularly, which he hates, but needs must! His feathers are really shiny now because of the baths!

Thanks again to all of you who offered advice. Its really comforting for me to know there are experts on here who are always willing to help out with problems!

Bye for now.

Lyn and Alf.


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