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Malibu spends all day home with me while my boyfriend is at work. I am a teacher so I have the whole summer off to spend time with him until I go back to school. He is really bonding with me and we are working on step up and he is getting that. He is also very lovey with me and lets me hold him and pet him. When my boyfriend comes home he does not want any parts of him. He makes squaking sounds if he tries to touch him. He backs away from him and runs to me. I have tried letting them sit on the couch together and have him try to hold him. The only way he will actually go to him is if he shows him a treat and he will actually get on his hand for it. I know they are one person birds usually but I would like him to be able to try to bond with him. Any suggestions on what to do? Please help!!!

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A quick note though about your situation first. You being home all the time now and when school starts that means you away all day..From all the research ive read they say not to do that im not sure how long you've had him but keep that in mind. The treats is a good start they do switch back and forth with favs if given the chance eg. you going back to work your bf will have a good chance to sneak in there as a new fav. I know my gf took many many months of bites and growls etc. and ive had him just over a year and he still prefers me when im around but allows her to pick him up etc now whereas before shed get a bite for her effort. she did it with no fear mentality and treats and spmetimes just hey birdy you got no one else here now you have to step up!!

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try just keeping your boyfriend in the room to let malibu get used to him. wen you feel he is more used to him, start making your boyfriend get close until he is right by the cage and see if he minds. keep making your boyfriend give him treats and im sure malibu will soon trust him. just remember, you cant force a parrot to trust someone, it has to develop that trust itself.

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RaiderBabe Wrote: "The only way he will actually go to him is if he shows him a treat and he will actually get on his hand for it."


If treats are the "Hot Button", then keep having your BF continue giving them. Your Grey will SLOWLY keep building trust and familiarity with him in that manner.


He may never be your Greys "Hang Out" 2nd person on a level even remotely close to the relationship you have with your Grey. But, your BF will atleast be viewed as a flock member that poses no threat.


You are your Greys "Selected" person and you will remain the person he/she wants to be with most the time. Anyone approaching and trying to extricate your Grey from the Arms of his loved one is going to receive warnings of possible hand/finger damage if they keep trying..... :-)


Just keep up the time and patience. That is all you and your BF can do.

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I have the same problem with Oisin where I am not the chosen one. Oisin was 1 recently. And in the past few weeks I am slowly slowly getting round him. I sit him on the back of a chair beside me when I eat and give him little nibbles. I put him on the arm of the sofa beside me when I watch tv. I am just there near him and not bugging him.


Lately I have been able to give him head scratches on his terms only. And last night I had a breakthrough where I rubbed his head for a little while. And when I stopped he pushed his head back under my hand to ask for more:) I am so happy:) .


He still wont tolerate me at all if his Daddy is within earshot though. He is his Daddys boy through and through.


But this has taken almost a year:ohmy:

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One way that I know of is that you can put the grey on a perch. the grey doesnt want him near. so you can award your grey with your BF leaving him alone for 10-15 seconds. so heres how it goes. let you BF get close to the grey BEFORE he starts growling or being uncomfertable. slowly let him try and toutch grey.then once he has entered the zone were the parrot doesnt like him to be. stay there untill the bird calms down. then if he has been calm for 5 or so seconds move away. then a while later let you BF try again. after a few tries you may see that your BF can get closer. It just depends on how much the grey disslikes your BF. I got an email of a video where somebody does that. It worked. lol



I'm so glad I have internet!:P

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I have a similar problem with my CAG Indy. She loves myself and my husband (though she prefers mu husband to me!) She doesnt like any of my friends or members of my family. Yes the treats are a good way for your boyfriend to get close however try to spend as much time together as possibe and in the evening when Malibu is a little sleepy get your boyfriend to try and pet Malibu. You will have to go slow get him to put his finger near his beak, let malibu beak him. If malibu is gentle he should let him stroke his beak and from there work your way to head scratches


You really have take things slow on his terms.


Hope this helps.



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We had that exact problem and solved it with our male.


Our male hated my boyfriend so I just backed off doing everything for him and he soon learnt that if he wanted something then he could also get it from my boyfriend.


So my boyfriend fed him, gave him treats, started to train him and all the time I was in the background just watching. I even stopped petting him for a time and then at night when he was settled my boyfriend would go over to him and ask if he wanted a sratch. After a time he would put his head down and let my boyfriend scratch his head


I would aslo stand beside my boyfriend and if our grey wanted to come to me he had to fly to my boyfriend first. When our grey flew to my boyfriend he would then immediately get to come to me for a hug and a kiss and then we put him back on the perch and repeated the process. This way he learnt to that it was ok to fly to my boyfriend.


It took about 3 months of constantly working with this to get to the stage where our grey is fine with my boyfriend and will go to him as well if he wants something. Of course I am still the favourite person, but it is a relief to know that our grey likes my boyfriends comapny as well.

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