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He steps up! And some other random observations


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Refund is, I'm fairly sure after reading an article, fairly territorial while he's in or on his cage. Last night I put him back on the cage after spending time with him in the bathroom, and he was growling and trying to bite when I'd put my hand up. I picked up a stick and he took off flying, so I got him picked up, put him back on the cage, held my hand up, and allowed him to step on. He took off after touching my hand almost immediately, so we repeated the process and called it a day when he stood calmly on my hand. He also got some treats. ;)


I wasn't sure how he'd be today, but he's just as good as last night. I'm really excited, and now we just need to work on him stepping up while he's actually in the cage.


Also, he's looking to me more and more as his "safe spot". He practically begs to step up while we're in the bathroom, and if I don't offer my hand he huddles near me. Also, when I got him out of his cage last night he was having a temper tantrum since I wouldn't let him get away with biting me, and he somehow ended up hanging upside down on his perch and couldn't get back up. I held my hand out and he grabbed on with one foot immediately. The night before he got himself on a shelf in the bathroom and couldn't get turned around since the stuff on the shelf was blocking him, and he had his blind side to me but caught a glimpse of my hand and stretched out his foot for me without being able to see.


Aaaand finally, it's really funny to watch him and Joey together in the bathroom. He was scared of a spoon, then watched Joey play with it and wanted to get it then. He also gets jealous if I pick Joey up and not him. ;)


And now, some questions!

1. He hates having me touch any part of him except his beak. I can touch his feet without him grumbling too much, and that's about it. I'd love to be able to give him head scratches and can't.

2. Does anyone else have both a male Grey and a female? I had Joey on one hand and Reefie on another, and I can't believe the size difference. I'm wondering if that's consistent. Also, Joey has light-colored feet and Refund's are darker.

3. I thought Refund quit plucking, but I noticed a spot on his chest where a pin feather had started to come in, and he yanked it out. He's got a vet appointment tomorrow, along with Joey, but I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on the FeatherProtectors by Avian Fashions (found here.)


I think that's everything, haha.



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It's good to hear that you're making progress! I have both a male (13 months) and a female (5 months). There is definitely a size difference. I also weigh them fairly often and shes about 100 grams lighter. Of course, she's a lot younger and might put on more weight, but I doubt she'll catch him in height.

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Good progress! When you touch his beak try to scratch it to show him the motion of your fingers scratch. He may realize he likes it and eventually you can move to his face, neck and head. My bird loves these scratches. Good luck!

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It tooK 9 months for me to be able to touch Tyco anywhere except her beak I could kiss her beak and rub her beak from day 1 and then about a month ago she started asking for a scritch by putting her head down really low so I gave her a little scritch on the top of her head and then she turned real quick as if she was going to bite me so I stopped since then every night before bed she asks for scritches and everynight its gotten longer and longer I can scritch her neck her face where ever. Yours will come around also in his own time. and as for size there are large Greys and small grey theere is a huge average with greys because of this I have a female and she is a very big girl she weighs in at 525 to 540 regularly you just probubly have a small frame female and a large frame male Tyco is a large frame female

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