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Odie the grey who acts more like a dog

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I am Erin and my CAG's name is Odie. Glad I found the board it seems to be a great community. A little about us- I got Otis (his nickname) when he was about 4 months old, he was very scared to come to his new home but adjusted fairly quickly. He is my first bird and has been the greatest first feathered companion ever. He started talking around 6 months and now at 3 years old - has a very extensive vocabulary. He loves to hear himself talk, and loves listening to my boyfriend to learn new words. He likes male voices much more than females.


Odie has always been very active- unfortunately I had to clip his wings because he was flying into the wall. Being that I lived at that time in a small one bedroom apartment, I felt it would be best for him. I did not want him to injure himself. Now that I am in a larger place, I really want his flight feathers to grow in, but he just seems to not like the feel of them. He tends to pull them out or chew them down. *sigh* No idea what to do. The avian vet, said he would have to put him under, and pull out all the feathers that were broken, and possibly even wear a cone on his head to prevent him from picking at them. I really did not want to put him under for anything. If anyone has any advice for me in regards to this just PM me.


He loves to play and he plays rough for a while he was breaking off his tail feathers from flipping, and climbing all over the place. He has calm down a tad! lol So his tail feathers are fine now.


I was lucky to get such a great bird, I wish he would let me pick him up and hold him more- but he only lets me on his terms :( He likes to share his food with me and get scritches as well as give me scritches. lol. He is great, and full of personality.


Hope to learn alot from the board. Enough of my rambling.


Take care everyone.

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Hello Erin and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Odie.


Sounds like you have quite the character in Odie and I bet he is a joy to have around, they are such precious creatures, no wonder we love them so much.


Odie and my Josey may share one trait, she chews a lot of her flight feathers off or pulls them out too. She hasn't had many flight feathers come in that she didn't chew off. I am working on the problem but haven't found a solution yet.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads, just have a read thru and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Odie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Erin, when my Tag was younger he used to fall occasionally and ended up breaking off all his tail feathers. It took forever for them all to grow back in, but I just sprayed him with aloe vera a few times and sprayed him with water just about every day. Tried to give him more toys and move them around more when I was gone a lot. Eventually I think he decided he wanted to fly so he let them grow in uninterrupted. Now he's a little imp getting into trouble anywhere he can find it. I guess I'm trying to say, hang in there- they will eventually grow back. I think you should find another opinon though about having his feathers removed, if they aren't bleeding I wouldn't have them removed, they should fall out on their own eventually...that's my opinion anyway, it sounds drastic to have to put the bird asleep to pull the feathers out.

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Welcome Erin and Odie!!


UGH, it sounds like a real trial for you and Odie. Hopefully after the vet pulls the offending feathers and gets Odie back on track, he will be back to his normal, non-plucking and flighted self.


Looking forward to hearing more. :-)

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