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Tyco has me so trained


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Yesterday I was relaxing and spending time with the birds. I relized that when Tyco wants something I will jump up and get it for her. when she wants her toy's to be picked up she will go down to the bottem of her cage and look at me and say mom and when I look at her she will indicate with her head which toys she wants then I run over there and pick them up and put them back on top of her cage for her. This happened at least 6 times yesterday. and food or water if she wants somthing that she doesn't have she will say what she wants like cherry's, freah water, nut please. what ever it is and me being the doting mom find myself waiting on this bird hand and foot boy it must be nice to be a bird. when we say we are slaves to our parrots their isn't a truer statement:laugh:

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I know its bad but what are ya gonna do she just to sweet to say no too she is just to spoilt she also get new toys constanly she doesn't like the one that hang on the cage I think thats because she can't drop them so I have to go pick them up for her bot she goes through foot toys like there going out of style he her favorite are those wood ones that have a walnut in the middle she goes through one a week This is what they look like. She prefers the smaller ones but she goes through those in a day so I'm trying her with the bigger one I go up a size each time I buy one for her.


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Yes she has you trained well. Perhaps its time for a turnaround? How about you train her to fly over and flick the light switch on on command, or fly into the kitchen and pick you up a banana, or fly over to the sofa and collect the remote control for you. Lets see how she likes being the slave for a while :laugh: ;)

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good sugestion except for one thing some stupid person didn't allow her to fledge as a baby so now she doesn't know how to fly I'm hoping she will learn from my Amazon but so far she can't It would take her forever to walk to go get me a snack or the remote:laugh:

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Nychsa I buy them at the pet food store but petlovers also carry them for a lot less money but they are to far away from me to go there all the time they are a great toy all my birds just love them and they come in all different sizes the little ones have a hazel nut in the center I'll try to get the name of them and the company that makes them mabie the store you deal with can order some in for you I going into towwn tomorrow so I'll find out then and post it on sunday because I won't be home until very late I'm going out to celebrate my birthday with my daughter.

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