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problem, or just dry skin?


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i've been noticing something with jacko more lately, but i've always kinda felt maybe something was off.


his skin is always flaky, it's been this way since i had him. if i rub his head it looks like he's got dandruff or something and he's always been slow to molt, i've never noticed it, unlike my other two, who have their yearly molts and i notice.

at first i panicked and thought he was majorly sick, but the vet checked him out and gave him a clean bill of health. his feathers look fine, aren't malformed or anything (the spots he chews are a little ragged, but they're all nice and straight and smooth and grey, his tail feathers are a nice blood red too--- he's one unusually vibrantly colored TAG). I know greys are a powder bird but this is isn't like my other powder bird the tiel who actually sometimes leaves a dust mark on my shirt, although his feathers feel about the same).

he's not acting strangely, still plays and whistles and eats (i mean yes, technically he's not eating his pellets but you sohlud see him come running for seeds!)

the skin on his feet is very thick and there's almost like a white layer of dead skin on them (they change colour to dark brown-grey after he's been given a bath)and i often hear him scratching himself with his feet. is it just dry skin from dry air and maybe some long-term effect of his previous diet of seeds at his other home? if a get a humidifier, is there any tips to make sure it doesn't get all fungusy etc? and in the meantime, what DIY methods can i use to increase ambient humidity other than frequent bathing-- without things getting moudly and gross?

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I don't know if its dry skin or just heavy powder. I know My Grey gets so much powder on the top of her head and face that I have to give her a bath just so it doesn't get to thick on there. she has lots and lots of powder way more that what my Cocateil of even my Cockatoo had I shower her at least 3 times a week just to get some of the powder off of her. The feathers on the top of her head are almost white just because of the powder. so It could be that your Grey is like this also mine doesn't overly scratch though so yours could just be itchy from dry skin of mabie she just has a lot of pins from molting these pins will take longer to open if you don't soften them with lots of baths they get brittle and very itchy. She may be trying to break the pins by scratching them.

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