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Hi there.


We have just bought an 18 week old Grey.


We are very excited, Clearly our lives are going to be changed forever.


We were at the pet shop and were really looking at the cats and rabbits when I walked by the Grey and it whistled at me and said hello, my partner quickly followed me into the shop and noticed Frosty way before the cats which is very unusual as it is normally me over at the birds with her giving all the cats attention.


Needless to say we both fell in love with Frosty and were thankfull to our landlord for allowing us to get him/her.


She treats both me and my partner both with equal love AT THE MOMENT, hope this doesn't change.


It seams to go crazy for the mixture that the pet shop gave us. This was the mixture that it was weened on. Is this normal and do any of you know how we should continue with this?

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Hi Ferduno and congratulations on your new addition to the family, Frosty. It's very good that he is still eating well after coming home with you. Is the mixture seeds or pellets or a combination of both? You should continue to offer the mixture along with fresh water which should be available to your bird all day long. You can also offer fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, taking these away after a couple of hours so they don't spoil in the cage. Many of us share whatever we are eating with our birds as well- as long as it isn't chocolate, alcohol, avocado, onions, or anything too unhealthy like sugery or fried foods. Take a look at the posts in this forum about what to feed and what not to feed your grey. Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks Lyric.


The pet shop gave us two types of food.


The first mixture is the one it was weened on and makes up like a porridge, rpeady break consistency. Very small seeds and flakes.


The second mixute is more substantial they made it up themselves in the store as they say the sunflower seeds are bad.,


It has bananas dried, papaya, small seeds green and black and yellow. There is also black and white seeds thatare in a shell and also large white similar ones

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Hello Ferduno and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Frosty.


This is what we like to hear that a grey picks you and not vice versa, its a good sign and now you have made a lifetime committment to this grey and you won't regret it.


Most greys are very quiet for parrots, it might have been a different answer if it was a conure for instance as they can scream loud. My Josey is very quiet most of the time and when she is vocal she never gets very loud.


The food the pet shop gave you is fine but you need to suppliment it with fresh veggies and fruits, legumes, a little meat and nuts. There are some excellent threads in the bird food room on what to offer your grey, have a read thru them for lots of ideas.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questtions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Frosty you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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