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Your Grey - best diet aid!


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Well, for those of you who are still working on getting Christmas dinners off your hips, look to your grey for the best assistance in the world!


A couple of weeks ago my Doc told me I needed to get down to skin and bones in order to avert back surgery - That means drop 20 lbs!


So, any of you who've tried this know, you get a little bit of that stuff that you REALLY like and savor that treat! Well, my treat was morzarella and tomato salad and then Taragon Chicken with polenta.


Bella - in her usual charming manner, comes running when I sit down to eat knowing it's her time to eat too. The first thing she takes a dive for is every single piece of morzarella. I thought I'd let her have one of two pieces, but she was so fast in digging that beak into every single one (wasn't that much to begin with) that I had to scramble to get it away from her before I was left with nothing :unsure: As I tried to poke a couple of pieces free for myself she attacked the fork and then looked at me, pinning those eyeballs at me and growled like my female greyhound Dream!! What a little brat!


So, we argued about the morzarella until I finally got a few pieces but by then she'd made her way to the main course and decided today - she didn't want chicken - she wanted polenta. I had sliced the chicken up into strips - again, that was the more calorie intensive part of the meal. Rather than just eat the darn polenta and leave the chicken, she decided she was going to toss the chicken over the side of the table and did so with such speed that my greyhounds were on it before it even hit the floor! :huh:


So, by the time it was all said and done, I had about 1/2 the food I set out to eat! :S


Snacking in the evening is not an option either - most snacks are not good for greys and Bella insists on having her snuggle time, head tucked under my chin and getting her scratches until I go to bed. I've tried to snack just a tiny bit, but of course that beak was right there, and she managed to crunch up a pretzel all over me and I had crumbs all over!


I think she's in league with my doctor!!!!!!!!


So! If you need to shed some love handles - engage your grey! I assure you - you'll be skin and bones in no time!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/08/06 14:19

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LOL - Greys do love their Cheese.... of any type!!


Your right on the weight loss. But, in our case it's a little different. We changed what we buy and eat (More healthy stuff like fruits and veggies) due to Dayo wanting to consume a portion of everything we have. So be default, we eat better and less because we still take the same size helping, but Dayo either tosses, eats or thrashes atleast 1/8 of it, if not more. :-)

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Well Terri that is one way to lose some weight but I am more inclined to be more like Dan, we make better choices since we have the birds to think of and are including more veggies and fruits in our diet. Of course it helps that I have a lot of stuff out of the garden and a lot of fruits are in season right now.


Yeah Kitty just what is Precious up to, inquiring minds want to know:huh: :whistle: :lol:

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