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heard you the first time trick


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:ohmy: Thats a bit ambitious Jamie, apart from talking to your grey there really is no knack in it.The only way i know how to teach them to respond to a question is by repeating the answer to them first.Once they have learned the answer you then have to try & get them to respond to the question !Heard you the first time is a mouthful for a parrot to learn ;) Try something a little easier first ;)

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We also ask the questions and then would say the answer. Now we ask him what is your mane and he says my name is Rangi and then he asks what is your name. He also says good bye and you ask him when he is coming back and he says coming shortly.

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A problem I see with your idea is that you are wanting the grey to respond to the same thing in 2 different ways. So on hearing "hello" the first time you want him to say "what" and the second time he hears the same word, "hello" you want him to say "Heard you the first time". This would surely confuse him as to which phrase he is supposed to say, assuming he had managed to learn both phrases.

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