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Question--Rex doesn't want to shower


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I'm new to this site and re-homing a CAG, appr. 7 to 10 years old. Rex has been shuffled around between homes and is now living with me. Legend has it that he used to enjoy showering with his first owner years back. His most recent owner, however, didn't even mist him for many years. He won't play in a bowl of water, doesn't care if my Amazons get all the attention when they're misted/showered, doesn't want to be misted, doesn't want to join me in any water activity, etc. etc. He even puffs up when the plants are misted. He doesn't seem afraid of the water--instead, he's like a little kid who doesn't want to take a bath--ever. Does anyone have any advice on how to encourage Rex?

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Most Grey's don't like water but it is a nessesity I have a rescue grey and I found the only way she will have a bath is if I put the plug in the bath and put about 2 inches of water in there then shower her with the hand held shower until the water reaches her chest she likes it best this way any other way she runs and acts like she is afraid. this may not work for yours all people have to find a way that is comfortable for their grey there are lots of threads about bathing greys on this forum take a look at a few and mabie you will find one that works for you.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/05 21:59

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Ace doesn't seem to care for water either. I take him into the shower with me where he seems to enjoy the steam though. When Im done showering, I will have him step up on my hand and but him by the water and have my hands cupped with the water flowing into my palms and i'll slowly but him under the water. He doesnt seem to hate it, but doesnt seem to enjoy it either. He will let me soak him without putting up a fight, im not sure if yours well let you try this or not.

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