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Chicken/wing tips?


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I am making hot wings tonight for supper. I cut off the wing tips. I left the kitchen and caught TBird nibbling at a raw one when I came back. Is this something he can have? I could cook them. I don't give any kind of chicken bones to my dogs though. Not sure about this with birds. And still maybe these are too small even if allowed. Dunno.

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Any kind of meat must be cook to give it to your bird my birds love chicken and lean roast beef or steak I don't feed them anything that has fat like pork or hamberger but lean meats well cooked are ok. Raw chicken carrys samonella and would definatly not let my birds eat it until it was well cooked my birds live chicken bones also they break them and eat the marrow I think the drum part of the wing would be ok for your birds<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/05 22:15

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