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Nicky and the family


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Home for almost exactly one week, and Nicky's made up his mind about the rest of his "flock" (my parents, sister and me) :) The way he behaves to all of us is wildly different and pretty funny!


To my dad: mumbles non-stop when he's in the room, glares at him and snaps at any fingers my dad tries to put in the cage. I guess he still remembers being grabbed on the first day...


To my mum: gives her what she describes as "slimy looks" and croons "Hello" in four different voices whenever she comes into the room. And imitates her voice most out of everyone in the house!


To my sis: Yells "Hello" when she comes in, then ignores her unless she gives him something to eat.


To me: every time my hand comes near the cage, there he'll be wanting to lick it. He listens so attentively when I try to teach him vocabulary, like holding up a book and saying "Book"...but he never talks when I'm in the room :blink:


He learns a new word or two practically every day, too. Yesterday he was laughing like something out of a horror movie, today he started saying "Help" and "Oh dear", and frequent mumblings hint at even more to come later.


Can't wait until he's ready to come out of the cage, life will get really interesting then :laugh:

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Sounds like a great bird- but can I ask why you haven't had him out of the cage yet? A week is a long time for a bird to be stuck inside his cage, especially if he is a handfed baby and used to daily attention. They need time out every day and interaction with the people in their lives.

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He was always kept inside a cage at the pet shop, and he simply won't come out now that he's home. :S Occasionally he sticks his head a bit out of the door chasing my fingers, then he'll shoot back in and give the opening a weird look. I'm guessing he doesn't like coming out because at the pet shop, they'd only take him out to trim his claws or clip his wings, and he disliked that. Not blaming them as they had nearly 300 birds of different sizes to look after :(


He gets plenty of interaction as my dad and sis are constantly dropping in and out of the balcony where he is. I'm going to try tempting him out with a treat this weekend...though I have a feeling he'll freak out and run right back in...

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