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Nimbus update - long


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I wanted to give everyone an update on my rescued CAG Nimbus. I brought him to the Dr's last week. Now I'll be honest and say he isn't my favorite Dr., but my girlfriend who is a vet tech says he's very knowledgeable even though he doesn't have the best bedside manner. Nimbus had been to him while his previous owner owned him. When the Dr. walked in I told him that he wasn't friendly, but he's not nasty either. I was pretty surprised when the Dr. said, "oh he's nasty all right"! "I'm sure I'll be bit several times before this exam is over"!! He started to examine him and by the end of the office visit he was telling me how glad he was that I got him, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He can also see a remarkable improvement in the short time I've had him! :woohoo: He then went on to tell me that the previous owner was scared of him and he had been left in his cage for years! :angry: I know I have a LOOOOONG way to go with him, but I left the Dr's office feeling very good. His stool came back clean, which is a good thing since I didn't want to have to manhandle him to medicate. He now WANTS to come out of his cage, which makes me VERY happy. Now all I have to do is make him realize I won't hurt him taking him from point A to point B. Right now when I try to take him off of his stand our out of his cage he takes off. I then have to follow him around until I can catch him up again. These sessions are getting shorter, and he isn't growling quite as much when I follow him and he is starting to offer his foot to me sooooo most of the time I think we're making progress. Of course as you know there are those days where he regresses, but hopefully with persistence and love he'll turn around.



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Thats is great progress Lauri, Congratulations!!


From the Vet acknowledging the change in him and the way he is responding and interacting with you. It seems he is feeling the trust and safety in this new home and flock.


Your patience, persistence and love are paying off. :-)


Thanks for the update.

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