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fussy eater


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i've had monty now a little over 3 weeks, will his eating habbits be settled yet? or is he still in that settling in phase?( he seem to have settled in fine i think)

i was asking this because he seems to be a fussy eater..he does not seem to eat much(hasnt got time to busy playing:blink: ). he likes a bit of toast in the morning but will only eat probably 1/4 of a round and he has fresh fruits i have tried nearly all the fresh fruits available but he just seems to eat the same things out of his bowl( melon apple orange pear peach) doesnt care much for other fuits especially red ones:blink: have tried him with porridge(no milk) and wheatabix but he wont have these. he likes veggies and soaked beans and has a mixture for dinner and usually a mixed salad for evening tea, all this sound fine but he wont eat any of these cooked either for variety. he doesnt like egg, rice just tends to pick the peas out of everything. his absolute favourate is snap peas he loves them.

he was reared at the pet shop on sun flower seeds and i have gradually taken them away giving him acces to these, only a few, at night,and sometime they are untouched ,he does have pellets all the time in his cage but doesnt bother with these much either.

i am a little concerned that he isnt eating enough.

i find myself following him around with food trying to get him to eat something because he never returns to his cage or any of his food bowls. am i doing right? i do his beakfast and leave it in his bowl until dinner and then throw them away and do his veggies i leave them until tea and do his salad i throw this away before going to bed and he just had pellets and seeds then, he has access to food at all times please tell me what else i can do.. oh he doesnt like much people food either.

dont get be wrong he does eat but just doesnt seem much.he was wighed at the vets 2 weeks ago and he was 39.45 now he is 39.00 he is 4 1/2 months old and she said his weight was fine, he is fully flighted and does lots of flying he loves it :woohoo: :kiss: am i just being paranoid..

sorry for such a long post

ps. as we speak he is on his playstand eating a large bowl of veggies, must know im talking about tim:unsure: :blink: :laugh:

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Hi Di,


Actually it sounds like he is doing just fine at trying and eating a variety of foods you've been offering.


They all have their favorites and will eat those while leaving the rest. But, keep offering the variety you are. They change favorites as time progresses and also seem to eat what their body is telling them it needs.


Example - There are times they will eat broccoli and leave the grape of apple slices. There are times they will eat the soak and cooked mix and not touch the veggies or fruits. They really seem to be in tune with what their bodies truly need.


Now of course, a tasty cinnamon roll is always a big hit and you must stop their attack for their own good ;-)


Bu in all seriousness, it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job and your Grey is accepting and trying a variety of fruits, veggies and legumes etc.

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Your paranoid Di :P No it appears monty is eating a varied diet, i have yet to hear of a grey that starved itself to death ;)

Some greys like their veggies etc raw,but mine wont touch them unless there served warm :pinch: As long as he has access to his food bowls throughout the day i wouldnt be to concerned.Perhaps try swapping the foods around,dont have set dinners,for example dont give him veggies the same time day in ,day out,keep him on his toes so he doesnt know whats coming :)

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Di, my youngest grey is just a bit older than Monty and he sounds exactly the same, he loves his sugar snaps,pomegranate seeds and apple. He has only really just started eating his fruits but is still a bit iffy with his veggies on an evening.

Just give him time as he sounds like he is trying everything so hopefully will get round to eating a bit better soon. You are giving him a great variety its just finding what they like best!

Love the pic with the chicken bone!:)

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