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How do I keep my grey talking?


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I have had my 12 year old grey for 3 weeks. He does talk but I have some questions about it. I've noticed that he will talk up a storm when I leave the room and go through all his sound effects & whistles too. But when I come back, he is all quiet. Is this how all greys or talking birds are? I understand that he is wanting my attention and trying to bring me back to him but why does he stop? Is there any way I get him to talk more with me in the same room with him. Sometimes (like now) when I am quiet and at the computer he will pop off a few words or sentences. A lot of his "sentences" are in a language only he understands:woohoo: He has learned a few new words and sounds since I have had him so I know he is paying attention. I first had to put a tape recorder near his cage when I was gone and found out he had quite a few words he was capable of that I had never heard him say. I guess what I'm asking is whats the norm for talking greys and how can I encourage it more? I tell people I have a talking grey and when the come to see and hear him he won't make a sound:side: :huh: The longer I have him the more questions I have:) I have the time to spend with him and would like him to talk more. I'm also afraid that since I have no experience he will stop talking altogher. I need help on this. Maybe I'm stressing about more than I should, too. Any comments would be appreciated or anything that has worked for other grey owners. Thanks.

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Erika, I would allow more time for him to be more comfortable and then he may talk more but some greys do not like an audience when they talk, hence some are called closet talkers.


A lot of us have greys that will talk around their flock members but when strangers come in they shut up, it just depends on the individual bird. Josey will talk around us and even to us but she is hesitant to talk around strangers, she can be quiet as a church mouse.


Don't stress out over his lack of talking or he will pick up on that, just be patient and continue to talk to him and he might surprise you one day and chat with ya.:P

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