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Is Gray Nervous, Scared or have a bad habit?


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I have been noticing a reoccurring pattern with my cag Baxter and I'm a little concerned. I've only had him since July 13 but we have already bonded very well. The thing that is troubling me is he is doing something daily and I'm not sure if it's a problem or nothing at all. It happens in the mornings usually after I take his cover off. I am always so happy to see him everyday. I am talking to him and greeting him, getting his food, water, etc but when I approach his cage he will fluff up, put one foot on his beak and make a fairly loud sharp whistle. He looks like a cartoon character biting his nails but I know it's not funny. He only does the whistle once untill I show up at his cage again. He doesn't run away and I can still touch him if I want to. I noticed he is not a "morning bird" right from the start but he likes me around. He's always much more friendly and playful after his afternoon nap and after that he is a regular lover boy. He gives me kisses and wants to be close to me all evening long. The noise he makes and the "nail biting" happens most in the mornings before 10 am (he gets up around 7am)Only about 3 or 4 times and only every great once in a while in the afternoons. Does anyone know why he is doing this? Is he just a grouch in the morning, am I upsetting him somehow? Is this just a personality trait? I don't think he's scared of me but don't know why he would do this. I think he is pretty used to me now. Any help would be appreciated. Should I be concerned?

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hmm is right could be a habit like trustdace said or not getting enough rest and grumpy. Birds have their own personalities that is a strange thing though. Was he always covered at bedtime? maybe the cover startles him and thats why..?

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Erica, you have only had Baxter for a little over 3 weeks and he is 12 years old so his old habits might be starting to show up. You two are still in the honeymoon phase yet as 3 weeks is nothing in a greys lifespan. I would imagine you are going to start seeing more things about him as time goes on, after all he has lived 12 years somewhere else and developed behaviors and habits.

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Thanks for the replies. It probably is just a habit but me being so new to greys, I didn't want to just think of it as nothing if something was really going on. He came to me with his cage cover so he is used to that. I read another post about grey biting their nails, too and found out more greys do this and they said it was normal.

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