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Ozzy is 9 mos old but he started talking really early. His first word was spoken at 4 mos old. He said "What" From there he added words very, very quickly. Here is his list thus far (in the order he learned them):



Step Up

JoJo (name of one of my Senegals)

What are you doin'?

Hello birdie

Lolly (name of one of my Senegals)

Little birdie

Be nice

Be quiet

Come here

Get over here


At 3 mos old he was whistling. He learned the "wolf whistle" first, then the "you who" followed by the first stanza of the Colnel Boogie from Bridge over the River Kwai.


He is such a joy and a really smart bird too. It has been a delightful surprise. I wasn't expecting him to talk until he was a year old, if he ever talked at all. In fact, I didn't get him because I thought he would talk. I just got him because I loved him so much.

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Yep, I'm really a lucky person to be owned by such a smart bird. I forgot one of his little sayings that I just love. He says, "You're okay!" I guess I've said that to him so many times over the months that it has just become second nature. It is one of those things we all say to our kids and fids to reassure them when they're fearful. Pretty cute to hear him say it back! I love to hear from others on this board about what their babies have learned. It is such a great experience to share things with like minded folks.

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That is truly wonderful Ozzie. :-)


They each pick up words and sounds at their own rate. Yours is an exception for certain.


Is is always nice to hear of other Greys stories and brings a smile to our face when when read them. Thanks for posting this.

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