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Vet visit this Saturday.


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I called the vet today to set up an appointment and due to the time constraints of me getting back home after work we got an appointment for this Saturday. I would have liked it to be sooner but I guess it's better than never. :)


I'm hoping we have a good experience as this is the only vet in Bloomington listed on the AAV website (www.aav.org). Wish us luck!



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judygram wrote:

Yep, two birds with one stone, maybe the vet will cut you a deal for two at a time.:dry:


We wish! The vet we take our regular furry animals to gives us a deal on multiple pets, but this one charges $36 per bird for an exam, plus however much bloodwork is. Oh well, if they get a clean bill of health it's all worth it!



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Update! I'll just update on Joey since Meg wants to take care of telling about Refund. Joey had her vet visit Saturday and was given a "she's a very healthy bird" verdict after a physical exam and bloodwork. He also believes that the her feather picking may have been from stress of being in a "non-compatable" breeding pair. He found no physical reasons for it and thinks that she shouldn't have any problems after she deals with the stress of a new home and such. Also he ruled out PBFD, and noted that even though some of her feathers are red they're all formed normally. So we're feeling better now. Oh he also stressed a healthy diet for them which made me happy, all and all I was happy with the vet he seemed very knowledgeable and has been practicing avian medicine since around 1988. I do however think he clipped their wings a little short, but we were only planning on having them clipped this once so hopefully they'll grow out soon.



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I don't have too much to add on Refund. He wasn't happy at all about being in his carrier, so as soon as we got back to the exam room I got him out and he sat nicely on my hand the whole time the vet talked to us. He also stepped up for the vet, but got super-grumpy when he was toweled. :laugh:


He got a clean bill of health as well, and I think he weighed in at 417 grams versus Joey's 404. I was also really happy to hear him recommend Harrison's as a diet, and he had some good ideas on toys for them.


I also thought it was funny when he said a lot of people get Greys just because they have the potential talk, and he said that's dumb. He's pretty straightforward, which I really like. He seeme optimistic that Refund will stop plucking given some more time.


Neither bird seemed too upset by the visit, which I was glad of!



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Thanks for updating us Meg on Refund,as joey im pleased he got a clean bill of health.The pair of them are good weights too.Given Refund's new life let's hope he does stop plucking in time.

Yes he sounds a pretty straightforward man & yes people do want to own a grey purely because of the potential of them speaking :angry: As you can see my pet hate ;) they have far more to offer than just mimicing ;)

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