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Progress with Refund


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Tonight we brought Refund into the bathroom for some more bonding time. He was doing fine with me and was avoiding Patrick at all costs unless I brought out "The Towel." :lol:


Anyway, we had Joey out also for a while (that bird LOVES to bite me...geez) and then put her back. Refund was on my hand then clambered up to between my shoulders and refused to come down. Patrick reached for him and Refund of course started growling and I told him to get the darn bird off because I doubted he was going to bite. After a lot of grumbling Reefie climbed up on his hand and let himself be put down, and after that he would step up on Patrick's hand and go from his to mine and then back again. It was awesome!


I think he's been bluffng quite a bit and isn't going to bite every time he growls, although I'm still going to be careful with him when he's on or in his cage. I'm just glade that he'se not going to hate Patrick foreveer. :lol: Now we just need to work on getting Joey to not latch onto my/our finger(s) and grind as hard as she can. Ha!


Meg<br><br>Post edited by: Refunds_Mom, at: 2008/08/04 02:28

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you're right lol, my experience is all that growling is a bluff and they're usually so concentrated on all their big scary growling they don't bite. (again, as my manlged hands would prove there ARE most definetly exceptions :P !)

good luck with both your birds!

as for Joey I would suggest using the distraction technique (hold something non-threatening like a square of cardboard in one hand in the 'bite zone' and then present your other hand for a step-up, prasie and repeat, also, maybe some laddering after her intial step-up with some praise will reinforce the pattern) also maybe a daily reopition of the step-up while using a clicker? seems to work well for my birds.

would seem to me that a scared grey will nab you harder than an aggressive grey. maybe just work on her trust of you and your hands. good luck

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