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Safe branches? Clarification?


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Anyone used Yucca leaves for toys before? I found them listed on one safe list for birds but I want to be double sure on these items.


Also I've seen Mulberry listed only once as safe, yet again any experience with this? We have many of these near our house. Also are the mulberries safe?


Third, Birch, I've found some conflicting reports on birch wood/leaves/bark. I've got a nice birch that needs trimmed up and want to know if the fids can get some fun out of it. :)


Thanks everyone!!



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Birch and Mulberry are fine.


Most "Dangerous" trees that you find on lists are there due to the tree's leaves, fruit or bark.


The wood itself is not Dangerous in most cases. Woods such as Pine, Redwood and Cedar That are very aromatic due contain substances in the wood that can be harmful to your Parrot.


The key to look for is what does the wood itself contain.

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Thanks Dan and Nims, Dan that's kind of where my question comes in I've found it difficult to find any good lists of leaves that are safe, I'd like to give Refund and Joey something to shred and make a mess out of and all I've got in my yard is, Maple trees(various types but no red maples), A dogwood, A redbud, several mulberry, and a birch. I also have Yucca plants that are growing like weeds. I see Yucca on the safe list on (http://www.mdvaden.com/bird_page.shtml) however Judy shows Yucca on a toxic list of hers?


Thanks again!



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I would suggest tying on leafy veggies like Mustard, Collard etc.... any big leafy veggie that is both good for them and they love to shred. :-)


You will not find any birds or Parrots, for the most part out in the wild shredding or chewing on leaves. They know by instinct that they are toxic in most cases and probably taste like crap. :-)


Be prepared for a big mess if you want them to shred, because they will!! :P

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We've already gotten the shredding underway, We've given them the "shredders" and Pinata's from Planet Pleasures and they really seem to like them. I may see about picking up some romaine lettuce the next time I'm out. Refund wouldn't touch the collard greens when we got them. :pinch: We're trying to keep them occupied and not plucking, although we've not seen any feathers from either of them since we brought them home we've seen down from Refund but that's about it.



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