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" What are some good Catch Phrases"?


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I read a post that indicated talking around a year. Just read another where someone's bird spoke at 7 mos and even at 3 yrs. It seems our bird is really starting to experiment with his voice sounds. I was wondering what were some of the phrases your birds say that are easy to catch on to. Should I stick to 2 or 3 word phrases or would I possibly be limiting the speech and should use larger complete sentences? I am saying Good morning, feed me, thank you, that feels good. I jave a song too.


TBird is a pretty bird.

TBird is a pretty bird.

TBird is a pretty bird

And Gary is a dumb butt!:evil:<br><br>Post edited by: Mel, at: 2008/08/04 00:22

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Ya know, if TBird does become a good talker he'll probably pick up some phrases I seem to have to hollar up the stairs at my son. We need an innercom. I can hear it now. "Brandon get up! Are you up? I said get up boy!, Come here, bring me those controllers, etc!" (teenager!){Emotions-0002011C}

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I am trying to think of some good ones too - bad boy bad boy what ya gonna do what ya gonna do when they come for u - he has picked up bad bad boy lol tried to change to bad bad bird my mum taught him while I was away & she used boy ratehr than bird.... he also goes badabadabadbaddddd lol.... so funny... but tryig to leabe some more as some letters they pick up easier than others right???



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My Names One Eyed Jack and don't call me Joe.... ;-)


Look at that hair-do, sorry about that......


Were you born this stupid, or did you have an accident.....


Your one fry short of a happy meal :-)


Ok, I'll stop...... ;-)

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danmcq wrote:

My Names One Eyed Jack and don't call me Joe.... ;-)


Look at that hair-do, sorry about that......


Were you born this stupid, or did you have an accident.....


Your one fry short of a happy meal :-)


Ok, I'll stop...... ;-)



i like that last one the best: "ok, i'll stop"




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Debating on remaking a guns and roses song myself:


"Take me down to a Parrot-ized city, where the toys are cheap and the birds are pretty, oh won't you please take me home."


I have patience to try .. :D


Just got to get him used to calling his cage a "City" first .. :whistle:


Other then that, I can do a lot of impersonations. I plan on trying:


"Get to da Choppa!" - Schwarzenegger

"Well Hello Mrs. Moneypenny" - Connery

"Well that's just bloody great" - Connery

"Gobby, put Mr. Flintstone down" - Frank Frankenstone


I can do a lot of other voices too, but those are some of my favorites.


Oh, and of course, being a Canadian, I will have to teach Loki to whistle the Hockey Night in Canada theme song. As well as chant "Go Leafs Go" :lol:



Ah, only 1 more month until he comes home ... I can't wait.

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Well, 2 days ago, my daughter stubbed her toe in the kitchen as Rikki was on the counter. SHe hopped around saying, "OW~OW!OW!OW!OW!OW!OW!" Well all day yesterday, I heard Rikki yelling, "OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! I thought it was my daughter!


Talon yells, "Oh My God!", It's very cute!

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Guest Skuffy

:laugh: My boys walk in my house and always ask me "Were's Mum"....Guess what!!!!

Not 5mins ago my son came in asked me weres mum..?

I told him she was at his sisters,so off he went...Sat here all quiet and Max (my Grey)pipes up...oi weres mum.....well i cracked up laughin..I had to ring My Mrs and tell her....BTW,,hes still chasing her when shes in the kitchen washing-up or cooking, he climbs down and goes for her,all pUffed up ready to take a Bite...he bit her shoulder the other day as she walked pasted him,,BOi did she snap...:unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, fun reading!


To the original post, I wouldn't want to be really repetitive on any set of catch phrases. From the start we just talked to ponti in meaningful phrases and short sentences, always pointedly talking about what we were doing around her so she could understand: "fresh fruits and veggies!" and "Look, fresh water!" when changing those out, "Let's go beddie-by!" when it's time to put her to bed, "May I have a bite?" when we share food with her...that kind of thing.


They will develop a sense for what the phrases actually mean and begin to use them to tell you exactly what they want and need. We've had ponti a little over two years and she says probably a couple hundred words, and she actually understands meanings behind a ton of them (though not all)


Then, in contrast to Ponti, our CAG, we adopted a 10 year old TAG last month. She talks, but she says things like, "Praise the lord!" and other such stuff that people have taught her through repetition to mimic, but the words have no meaning to the bird really. Whereas Ponti will talk to you with at least some amount of understanding, Maggie simply imitates speech most of the time. I'd prefer to nurture the understanding aspect of it more than teach it to blurt out something funny but meaningless to the bird.


I'm sure others will probably disagree, and I hope I don't come off overly pushy/preachy/opinionated. I don't mean to be.


Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 12:16<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 12:18

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