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bird safe plant lists... confused


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well finally identified my mystery houseplant, some sort of hoya spp. maybe carnosa. the other two species residing near my birds are a christmas cactus, and five baby spider plants. i know the last two are bird safe.

i would never ever let any of my three birds play with or touch my plants regardless, but i have peace of mind in knowing that should one of them every rip off a leaf or something that they'll be okay.

but i've conflicting info on the hoya plant. some say toxic to birds, others say fine... what do you guys tnink?

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As far as I can tell the Hoya are classified as non-toxic though some people may develop a rash from the milky sap. Hummingbirds drink the flower nectar, there are reports of peoples birds and cats eathing the leaves w/o ill effect. Do a google search Hoya and you can read up quite a bit on this. ;)

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