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growling bird!!!!


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Hi Katie & Welcome.It is really early days with Bobby give him time to settle in to his new home.The growling often is the only way they can show us they are nervous & scared.Talk to him gently & reassure him,im sure he will settle.Any problems you have please just ask us & we will help you all we can.

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Hello and Welcome Katie!!!


As the others have said, time and patience will be needed for the trust and relationship to grow. Since He is 8 months old, he has been somewhere he considered his "Home and Flock". He will now take some time to realize that he is now in a new home and part of a different flock. Right now he is very scared and overwhelmed with all the new visual and auditory input he is receiving.


Things you can do to make the transition for him as smooth and acceptable as possible:


During this time, you should observe your new bird and, to a large degree, let him set the pace of your getting to know one another. Many parrots, especially those that are coming from good breeders or homes, manage to make a quick, easy transition to their new surroundings.


If at all possible allow the parrot to keep its old cage during this time, even if you want to get a bigger and better cage later. The old cage is "home" and gives the bird a feeling of security, especially if it still has his old familiar toys and perches.


The same is true of food, whenever possible, bring along some of his old diet, even if it's not a well balanced one. The changing from seed to pellets or another whole-food diet can take place after the bird is settled.


It's best to find a quiet place at first, yet not too far removed, particularly for a shy or frightened parrot. This way, he won't have to deal with the rough and tumble of daily family life, and can get to know you during "quiet" times as you read beside his Cage or watch television, listen to music or spend some time surfing on you PC\Laptop. With a shy bird, make a point of moving slowly when passing the cage, and speaking softly before opening the door or uncovering the cage so he knows you are there.


If the parrot is dealing well with all the change and seems curious about you, you may then try to start handling him/her. This is a judgment call and not always easy to make. One thing to keep in mind with a parrot that has an attitude problem is that first impressions can be lasting ones (on both sides.) Do not attempt a "step up" if you're not willing to hang in there even if you are badly bitten. Otherwise, you will just be reinforcing what the bird has already learned: if you don't want to step up, just bite and the person will go away.


It's normal for a bird to feel "clingy" about the only familiar thing in its life at this point: its cage. So once you do get the bird out, you may want to move to an area where the cage is out of sight for further interaction.


It's best to let him/her bird decide when it can deal with stepping up onto your offered arm or hand. Never push a frightened bird, even if that means a few days or weeks going by without being able to get a step up. They are usually this frightened with good reason, and forcing yourself on them simply reconfirms all their fears.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and don't be shy about asking any questions you may have. We have tons of people here with years of experience with Parrots. :-)

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hi all just an update its been aprox 24hours since bobby has arrived the growling is getting alot better all ready!!! hes taking food from my hand and has finaly had a drink of water and some food i feel alot more relaxed now.thank u all so much for your support and input

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  • 1 month later...

un fortunaltly the growling did not stop! we found out bobby was wild and phobic! he gave him to a lovley disabled lady who picked up a bond with him as soon as she saw him.... we now have a 4 month old hand/silly tame congo called april who i have a fantastic bond with after a few days shes kisses and cuddles me which is fantastic and has not biten one of us yet lol she cost a bomb (1.000) but u cannot put a price on this fantastic bird!!!

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bobby was imported from a dodgy country not hand tamed and phobic of people we wAS going to give him to an avery but the lady who had him insisted she wanted him we had him for a while he wasnt a congo he was a timneh and is now with somebody who can spend valuble training time with him we had advise from an expert! it was not fair on bobby he hasnt had a good start in life hes not a people bird

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It's too bad Bobby did not work out at your home. Hopefully the disabled lady will not grow short of love and patience to help poor Bobby come to know that a life with humans is no so bad once he has a lot of time and patience spent with him.


It's always heart rending to hear of a Grey that just gets past from one home to another and another and another.


I truly hope that disabled lady intends to be his "Forever home" whether he ever becomes a snuggle muffin or not. Did she have any previous experience wit parrots at all? If not, please steer her to this forum. :-)


I have a "Wild" or "Breeder" Conure with no past history except they claimed he was 6 months old. It has been over 2 years now and he is not hand tame or a snuggle muffin, but he is such a joy to just have around and he feels he is taking part in everything with the "Flock" by just flying from room to room as we go, watch TV, get a shower or take a favorite treat from our hand.


He perhaps one day will overcome his fear of man and actually become hand friendly, but it does not matter if he does or not. He is Jake and as much a part of this family as anyone and loved deeply as one.


Hopefully Bobby has found a final home such as this. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/09/21 18:58

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yes she promised us even if he didnt come out of his shell it would b his home for life as u said and we said its not fair being passed from pillar to post we talk to her on a weekly basis so i will forward her the site address we were very upset to see him go but he was just not the bird for us but with april its totaly different

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Yes I agree its extreamly hard on birds to be passed from home to home. I'm Tycos 4 owner in as many years. Even though I could not touch Tyco when I got her it didn't matter to me. I would not of cared if I could ever touch her.She need someone to love her unconditionaly and I decided that i would be that person from the moment we met. I think she decided that also because as soon as she saw me she was streaching her neck toward me and paceing back and forth. mabie she new some how that I would be her owner for ever. I don't know but we are now bonded and she allows me to give her scritches. and she steps up when i want her too. She wondeful i couldn't be happier. She is not going anywhere ever again except if she's with me of course. I'm glad you found a bird that your happy with thats great I also hope Bobby has found the perfect home for him as well.

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