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Piercing whistle

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Hello, I have an adopted (3yrs) African Grey. His name is Webster and we believe he is about 8 or 10 years old. He had been abused and left in a garage for three years. He has totally fallen for me and is my best buddy. However, my brother died last year and my 16 year old nephew has come to live with us. Webster does not like male people at all. Since my nephew has been here, Webster has started at each mealtime to emit this piercing (98db) whistle. If I am in the kitchen for any reason he starts this noise to let me know that he wants whatever I am cooking. Normally, this would be funny, but this noise is making me crazy. I am considering finding him a new home and know that he would be shattered to lose me. If anyone out there can give me any suggestions as to quieting this guy down I would surely appreciate it! I am at my wits end with stress and this is my last hope.

Thank you so much.


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He's fallen for you...you can't give up yet. How long has he/she been with you? I'm sure someone on the community can give great advice but I'm a new owner myself with only 2 weeks of experience but If you do need to find it a new home. Please sceen the people very good and make sure they will give it lots of love. How long have you had him/her? I just got adopted a 12 year African Grey Cag. I hear over and over it can take lots of time and patience. Hang in there. Keep us posted

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I'm so sorry about your brother dying.

My CAG started the scream one day while I was vacuuming her room. Now I close her door when cleaning in the other part of the house, and move her when cleaning her room. Is it possible that some sound in the kitchen is setting Webster off, blender, food processer, garbage disposal, etc.? Or is it when he sees your nephew? Are there any other changes that have happened in yur life? Hopefully yoy can find the trigger soon. It would be a tragedy for both you and Webster if he had to move.:ohmy: :unsure: :S

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Julie Welcome to the forum.Please try not to give up on Webster,he has already had a very traumatic life form what you say.you have said it yourself he will be shattered to loose you.Does he only do this at meal times ? how does he act towards your nephew at other times ? Does he only accept females ? A little more info would help ;)


As for the piercing whistle, is it only when your out of the room ? Do you react to him when he does it ? Ignore the whistle,dont react in any way at all,dont give him any attention until it stops,when he has stopped then praise him,tell him what a good boy he is etc..He has to learn that making this whistle will not get him your attention,it will take time & patience but please try to hang in there ;)

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Thank you so much for your responses.

Webster has been with me for almost 4 years now. He is very lovable to me and always steps up and responds when I am with him. He has quite a vocabulary and a super personality. He mimics everything! He sneezes, has a smokers cough, a sinus condition with sniffles, he barks, meows, says hello in about 8 different voices, laughs like a lunatic, sings, dances and says "Peek-a-boo, I love you". He is so entertaining!

But............this high decibel whistle is the worst!

He knows it is getting my attention and I'm sure this is why he does it so often lately, as my response is angry with him. He seems to do it every time I walk in the door and when I am preparing meals. He doesn't just do it when my nephew is around. I think he is feeling that my time with him has been shortened by all my new responsibilities and he is not happy about it. Ignoring this is going to be so hard!! But, I will try very hard to work this out with him. I do love him, but my life is filled to capacity with stresses and noise and his noise is the final straw!! I am not the kind of animal owner that treats pets as dispensable when inconvenienced. I would like for this to be his home until one of us croaks!! Any other advice will be much appreciated!



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Julie i appreciate the stress you must be under & believe me Webster will pick up on that,as hard as it will be please ignore him when he does this piercing whistle,he is trying to get a reaction from you,if you are responding by being angry he will continue to do it because he is getting the desired reaction,your attention.If you need to let off some steam just call on us & we will support you the best we can ;)

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Welcome Julie.


You Wrote: "I would like for this to be his home until one of us croaks!! Any other advice will be much appreciated!"


I am so happy you have reached out to a community of Grey owners to try and find some relief and understanding, instead of just re-homing Webster.


It sounds like he has truly flourished in the home and love you have provided him. Like all relationships, there are sunny and stormy days. I know when too many things are happening at once and they are all stressful, sometimes something as minor as a loud chirp can become amplified to the point that it seems to be an insurmountable problem.


I would imagine, if you have the time to reflect on this small issue with Webster, that it really pales in comparison to the other stress inducing matters you are dealing with.


There is no reason that you home can not be Websters home forever also, as you desire. You won't give up on your Nephew or any other family member. Webster seems to be considered a loved family member also. So, just know that this will pass and time will resolve and heal all wounds.


There are tons of members here that have dealt with many issues and over come them in regards their Greys. Just keep considering this your "Grey Hotline" community for interaction and understanding from people that "Know" what your going through and the support you need. :-)

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Hello Julie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Webster.


I echo the other's sentiments, please don't give up on him yet, he has been thru a lot before he came to you and you are his family now and it would be devastating for him if you gave him up now.


The others have given you some excellent advice, you are going to have to ignore the whistle and that means no reaction to it at all for any reaction he gets is attention and he will just do it all the more. When he has been quiet for a time then go to him and reward him and lavish much praise on him and soon he will learn that silence earns him sweet rewards.


You will learn lots by reading thru the many threads for loads of information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Webster you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hello Julie! Webster sounds like an interesting and entertaining part of your household. I know when greys pick up an annoying sound it can be hard to bear, especially if you are already stressed out. You need to hang in there for Webster's sake. Go outside and take a deep breath- hum to yourself- sit down in another part of your house and relax for a minute. Encourage Webster to make the noises and words that you like to hear. You must ignore the screech that you don't like. Is he in a room of the house where he can see what is going on and get lots of interaction with people? He wants to be with his flock- which is you. When you leave the room he is calling to be sure you are still there. You may try making pleasant sounds to him when you are in the kitchen so he knows that you are there. I hope you are able to stick it out with him- he deserves it!

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Julie focus on the positive things in your parrot you say he have a great personaliy and can even speak and mimic alot, i mean many have african grey that never talk so look at the positive things and try to work on his noise by ignoring it and seek help from and expert please, this forum doesnt provide profesional help so it should never be your last hope!


contact a parrot behaviorist.


Your parrot loves you and will have a hard time to move to another owner and if you have had him for that long dont solve his problem he might end in a shelter because no one wants to adopt a parrot with behavior problem. he will end from owner to owner.



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  • 2 weeks later...

hi Julie, welcome to greyforums!

Please don't, as others have said, give up on Webster, espically not after all he's been through and the fact he's already been with you for a few years. You can do this.

There could be quite a few reasons why your grey started doing this and it may/may not have been your nephew, now he's doing it for your attention obviously. Buy earplugs if the noise is really bad, that way, if you can't hear him you can't get frustrated. I do that with my Tag when he plucks becuase he knows the sounds of the feathers shredding drives me crazy.And then, as others have suggested, praise him and reward him with the food he wants when he is quiet, also begin teaching him acceptable noises to use as calls between the two of you when you're away. If you consistently ingnore this behaviour and reinforce other acceptable ways for him to communicate what he wants he will drop this noise from his repetoire, I can almost guarantee you that (i've been through a similar scenario with my TAG where he'd imitate the noise of a hammer banging on a roof for hours on end).

Also, try getting him to learn to trust your nephew, go slowly. There are plenty of articles online on how to do this, it would take ages for me to explain how-to.

Good luck with webster!

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