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Ace was acting funny..? pics


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Sorry I have been inactive. It's been hectic with school being out, and we just moved from Texas to Oklahoma city! Anyhow, Ace is doing great. He is an awesome bird, Im going to post a few photos as well :) I have a question though. This morning Ace was acting kinda, odd. He flew to me (normal) and then started making all these weird quiet, but fast paced noises, and his wings were dropped really low. Pretty much all the way relaxed, and he kept rubbing his face all over me. The best way to describe it was he was , nervous. Then he started bobbing his head back and to the side some, I thought he had maybe eatin too fast or too much and he was choking, but he brought food back up! He did this a few times, I know birds can regurgitate , but he is only 4 months old, I would think he is too young to do that, if indeed, that is what he is doing. Anyone have any idea what or why he was acting this way?

Here are a few recent photos of me and Ace :)







newpics332.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: AshleyKay, at: 2008/08/02 16:20

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Great pictures Ashley,from what you describe Ace was regurgitating for you,he is not too young ;) He loves his mom :)


I see Ace outdoors with you,even clipped birds given the right circumstances can obtain lift & fly off,a harness is the safest option, clipped or unclipped ;)

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First let me say I love your birds name ACE. That's my dobermans nameB) Sounds like you and your grey have bonded tightly. I read in a book that a regurgitation (hope I spelled that right) is usually a gift offering. The dropping down of the wings and noises probably means it is asking for affection. Looks like Ace is spoiled. Nice pics by they way thanx for sharing.B)

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Yes, like others have said gurging is a birds way of saying they REALLY love you. 4 months isn't too young for this behavior...esp because he is a TAG, thay mature faster than CAGs.


Like Tracy said, birds can fly when spooked or catch a strong breeze. Now is the time to start harness training him. I have been harnessing Elmo sense he was little and it's the best thing I ever did. He will tug at it at first but then he acts like it's not even there. I like the Feather Tether, but others like the Aviator harness.

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Beautiful photos of your TAG Ashley. :-) Thanks for sharing them.


I do see that you have your TAG's Talons held in some of the photos you posted. It also seems to look as though atleast the outer primaries are fully intact. Is Ace fully flighted or "Show trimmed"?


As others have expressed, a harness is a wonderful outdoor device for ensuring the safety of your Grey.


Looking forward to hearing more from you as you get settled in to your new home and city.

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Thanks guys! I have tried a harness on him (its one from Petsmart for birds) but none of them seem to fit him right. So I passed and didn't buy any. When I got him from the breeders, she clipped some of his wings, but realized when I got him home, he can still fly some. What I have been doing when I do take him outside with me is hold his feet. He was on the shoulder for a few quick pictures.. he seemed really secure next to us on our shoulder so I wasnt too worried about him flying off...I would like to get a harness though, so I will take down recommendations and try some out :)

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This may sound strange but I've found that if your bird isn't very big that a guina pig harrness works quite well and they are very light weight compared to some of the bird harnesses I can fit my Amazon in one no problem and because its light weight she doesn't pick at it its a figure 8 type harrness and very easy to adjust to fit the birds. and its can be put on so it doesn't interfere with their crop I put it on oppisite of how you would put it on a guinna pig or a tea cup dog.

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  • 7 months later...

Ace is such a doll. Please don't take him outside without a harness. I understand you're holding his toes but what if something startles you both at the same time and you reflexively move your fingers. Or what if he digs in his talons? Again, your reflex to let go of the thing hurting you would kick in before your brain could over-ride it. I can tell you love him so much. Please don't take anything for granted.

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AshleyKay ,you are inviting trouble taking an untrained and unharnessed bird out side. It takes just one unexpected sound or small incident to scare your bird off.

If he is not trained for recall you may have problems coaxing him back or worse.

I would never recommend clipping though.

At the very least teach him to respond to recall commands.

Do a search "lost Grey" in this forum to see what I mean.


Steve n Misty

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