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Hey guys I have a question for the pros. Midnight has recently developed a fascination with this squawk that honestly sounds like a cry. She does it over and over for hours. At first we tried to ignore it, thinking she just wanted attention. Next day same thing, changed her food and water like normal, gave her a treat and played with her. She does it through out all of her normal activities. It doesn't stop. I need serious help because its upsetting me I can't figure out what she is asking for. She has given up all attempts at "talking" or whistling and simply makes this noise. Please help before I lose my mind, we are a week into this cry!

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Well, if this cry has gotten her attention from you or anyone in the house it is being used as a way to get a rise out of you. The biggest mistake it seems everyone makes is to "try" ignoring the offending noise. If you start and stop ignoring noises it only reinforces the noise. Parrots are very smart and learn that if they just keep making a noise a little longer it will eventually get your attention. As for our part in this "game", people don't stick to things if they don't get results right away. When it comes to breaking attention getting issues it always get worse before it gets better. I had a Sun Conure that learned to scream from my step mom...she would yell at it through the door if he screamed a little during the day. It became an all out screamer in under a week, but it took two weeks to get the screaming to start to get under control. So basicly what you need to do is any time she makes the noise you need to leave the room and do not re-enter the room, say anything, or give any kind of attention to her until she stops the noise. Give praise to any noise you want her to make...because you want her to replace the bad behavior with good.

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You could try whistling or making a different noise to distract Midnight. We had builders in for a week and Jacob started imitating their power drill, which was driving us mad, as he did this incessantly. We started whistling (music) scales and praising each other for doing it "right" and Jacob picked up on this, as he wanted to be a good boy too. He soon returned to his usual talking and whistling and it was much easier on the ear!

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The hardest part about extinguishing a sound is training the humans:P If you, or anyone else in Midnight's flock, responds to her after she's been making the noise for 20 minutes, you've just taught her to do it for at least that long. Like Berna said, 'trying' to ignore it can make it worse fast. Everyone has to be 100% on board with how to deal with this, even visitors to your home.


Also, every time you hear her make a sound you like, respond, and make your response over the top with lots of praise and happy sounds, maybe even a treat if you have time to get it to her before she reverts to the squawk. Try modeling better behaviour with other members of the family. Chose a 'contact' sound, and let her see and hear others make it to get attention or company. The behaviour may get worse before it gets better, but don't despair, you have a few things working in your favour. First, greys are very smart and she will figure out that when she's making that noise she's alone, when she's not, her flock sticks around. Second, many grey parronts, including me, have been through this and come out the other end sane, (relatively). Third, you can find those cheap foam earplugs today in many dollar stores:P Good luck.

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When I was just a kid my Aunt had a talking bird. I do not recall what kind it was. It would hollar for her just like my uncle did and sounded the same as him. Of course this drove her crazy. But when she had her first child it began to cry just like the child. She was jumping up all hours of the night!{Feel-bad-0002007F}

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