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Pine Nuts or Red Palm Oil


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Hi Everyone,

A little help here if you would. I have read a lot about the benefits of giving our greys red palm oil in their foods. I have found several web site that sell the pine nut itself. Would it be better to give them the nut or the oil? Your opinions are greatly appreciated:)

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Well you can give them both, I use the red palm oil in some oatmeal and baby food and give it to Josey every day and some of the members give pine nuts to their greys for treats but Josey does not care for them.


Tracy, aka LovemyGreys, can give you the benefits of feeding them to our greys for at the moment I am having a brain freeze:blush: :blink: :lol:

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Thanks Tracy. I have read alot about the benefits here on the forum so don't worry about your brain freeze.:)

So if Josey doesn't care for them and I sure there are others that don't either, Echo is a very picky eater and the pine nuts are so of expensive can I give them to my bh caique if he decides to share Josey's opinion of them? Maybe it would be better if I just buy the oil:huh:

When do you fed Josey the foods you mentioned? Do you feed her anything else with it? Trying to do what is best is driving me batty:lol: I'll be glad when I fiqure it out:)

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Oh Boy{Feel-bad-00020072} I was looking at the wrong kind of nut. I went back and sure enough the sites were for pine not palm nuts. I did do more searching and found a site that is selling 500gr plus shipping for 15.80gbp. If I converted it correctly, into US dollars I came up with: 500gr for 5.50gb plus shipping of 10.30gbp to come to appox. 31.19 us.

If this is right please let me know. I just may try them for Echo.

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siobha9, you think that is a good price for the PALM NUTS,hee,hee! I know I would probably get a better deal if I purchased more but I'm not sure if Echo will eat them. If he does I'll order more. I have to get ready now, we are going out for dinner. When we get back and I have time I'll post the email address.

Oh, I almost forgot, Echo got a clean bill of health from the vet this afternoon:woohoo: He said he would always have a soft spot there so I'll have to keep a eye on him at all times. That's okay-he's my buddy!

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Half a kilo will last ages even if he loves them, because he should only be getting one every day, or even every other day. I give them to Liath as an extra special treat or as a bribe:whistle: Oh and you should keep them chilled.


That's great news about the vet check!



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Hi Trustdace and everyone!

The web address www.junglegoldlimited.com has the palm nuts and for you Trustdace they have what they call Parrot Palm Fruit Extract. If you read the description of the product I think this maybe what you are looking for. Give the web site a try and see if it will work for you. Oh, they do ship to the US. Let us know how you make out.


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