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hi everyone, i just got my african grey yesterday night (at 11pm!!) and it looks like he is well relaxed with his cage. he plays with his toys, likes to have a good climb, hasnt fallen yet, but he is still very wary around humans. we can not even go a few feet near his cage without him making a growling noise and moving away with us. the breeder says he just needs a day or two to settle (he has travelled from north england to south east england so its quite a journey). do you recommend leaving him in his cage a day or two until he settles and then start cuddling and petting him or just cuddling and petting him straight away? thank you guys and gals, i appreciate any help i get.

jamie and leonidas (leo for short)

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Welcome to the site.


Im a new owner myself i would recommend taking it at the greys pace. he will let you know when he is ready just try but take things slow as it will take him time to get used to you and his new home.


Is he a baby?


Im sure more will be able to give better advise than me.


But congrats on your new family member. B)

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Since he just came to your home he is unsettled at the moment and it will take some time for him to settle in and feel comfortable so give him some space but open his cage door and see if he will come out and explore. Then you can try getting him to step up on your hand but only cuddle him if he will allow it for some do not and if you try to force it the bond with you will take longer to form.


Greys are very cautious creatures, very wary of new people, places and things so keep this in mind when you work with him, take it slow and easy, sudden movements will frighten him.

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Hi Jamie,


Welcome to the forum. I love your greys name Leonidas! My favourite chocolate :) Kind of mean though since the poor grey will never have any:laugh:


Well done on the pizza, my guys love it too, and a little every now and then will do him no harm at all. Once he is happy and building up some trust in you its all good;) !



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lol i didnt name it after chocolate! its after the spartan king in 300 lol. leo had a bit of a panic last night. i was putting food in his bowl and had left the door open thinking that he would not come out seeing as i already tried it that day but he did come out! he flew up into the ceiling and kept hitting it, he then fell behind the tv. he was not harmed fourtanetly but i think he was a bit shooken up. he is ok now, whistling loads!

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:S Now I feel stupid:P I still love the chocolate though:)


Unfortunately while a grey is learning to fly they can make lots of crash landings, and figuring out how to steer and gain and lose altitude can take some practice also. Just make sure that until he grasps the basic techniques that the windows and mirrors are covered because he won't realise that they are there;)



Considering that was his first full day in your home, I'd say he is doing really well!

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thanks siobha, thats made me alot more reassured. i have 2 say tho that wen i go near his cage now he keeps snapping his beak at me. i dunno if i shud be worried by this? but i put my hand in his cage and he got used to it so hopefully its nothing

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Well its very early days, just as you are nervous about him, and why he is doing what he's doing. He is also nervous about you. Give him a chance. Give him some time where no one goes near him and let him absorb all the new sights and sounds in your home. And when you do want to take him out tell him that you are going to. He will understand quicker than you might think! I use Do you want to step up? to tell my greys that I am going to move them or take them out of the cage. Of course that back fired a little because now when Liath wants out, she calls it back to me!


I know its natural to worry, but you are doing great ;) Enjoy him!

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lol your parrot sounds very cheeky siobha! when i gave leo some pizza crust yesterday he kept chirping whenever he was finished the cheeky lil thing lol. i had another breakthrough today! leo let me touch him on the chest, the wing, the head and the back. but he wont let me touch him anymore. thanks lovemygreys, that helped alot :)

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Hi Jamie,


Welcome to the forum (im new too!) Sounds like you and Leonidas are going through the same journey as me and Indy did. Leonidas will learn to trust (its something you have to build on) you in time and you wil then be able to cuddle you parrot. Just make sure you spend plenty of time together in and outside the cage and you should be fine.



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