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Very Clingy Little Girl...


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Hello all...


It's been a while since I've posted anything about Harrison. She's been doing quite well. She's out of her biting phase, I guess it was raging hormones. Thank goodness!! Lately she's been really clingy. Especially tonight. I'll tell you how she's been tonight. She's in the living room with us humans. Her play stand is out here along with her swing hanging from the ceiling (above her play stand)...she usually loves to play on that swing for a few hours each night. She just wants to stand on my finger. She doesn't want to go on her swing, play stand, the floor, the couch, nothing. I've tried putting her on the couch with some toys and I've tried playing with her but she just wants to be on my finger staring at me. She'll accept standing on my knee for a short time but it's back to my finger in no time. If I try to put her on her swing or play stand, I say step down and try to physically put her down, she bites me...not really hard but enough that I know she doesn't want to be put down. Of course, I take her back with me cuz I'm a freakin' push over. It's hard for me to say no to her. It really is. I guess my question is, should I be hard on her and say "no" and have her step down or off or whatever? When I've tried that, I put her on her swing/play stand and I go sit down and she flies to me in seconds. I love the fact that she wants to be with me, but I'd like her to be the independent little birdy I had a couple weeks ago too. She almost seems like she doesn't want to be alone...I forget the term for it. Not low self-esteem but...grr...I hate getting old...I can't think of the word. So, should I be sensitive to her needs for now and see what happens?






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I don't have any answers for you Heather but I just want to comment on something.


Maybe this is just another phase she is going thru like the biting one you mentioned, but she may just feel insecure for some reason and she wants to be near you. Has anything changed in her environment lately?


I think Tracy or some of the other members who have had greys for a long period of time may have more info for you as to what may be going on with her but I am stumped.


Thats another great picture of Harrison, she is a beauty, thanks for sharing it with us.:)

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INSECURE!!! That is the word I was looking for. When I have her with me and if I do something else...like right now I'm paying attention to the computer, she doesn't like it at all. She wants all of my attention. I'm trying to hurry so she doesn't draw blood. Thanks for the complement, Judy, I appreciate it.



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Elmo has days that she does the same thing, but not very often. I let her hang out in the bathroom when I'm on the computer and sometimes I just don't have time or I'm just not in the mood to put up with the "look at me look at me" deal. She will come flying out of the bathroom onto the bed and is just into EVERYTHING!!! I give her a few chances to stay where I want her and if she won't listen I put her in her cage. She is never mad at me for putting her in there and she normally ether gets a bite to eat or takes a nap. It gets the point across that I'm the boss and what I say goes.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/08/01 05:01

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Ihave a bird thar does that also I think it has to do with hormones at least i hope that she going to get over this. right now she won't let me out of her sight as soon as i leave the room shes flying after me. She's driving me crazy. I can't get anything done when

I have a large bird sitting on me. At the same time it shows just how much she loves me and that is very sweet.

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It could be insecurity or just the need to be with/on you because she wants to.


Greys truly remind me of smaller children. Sometimes they do not want to come near you and others they will just walk up and want to sit calmly on your lap or lean next to you and sit.


I see the same characteristics in Dayo. Sometimes he just wants to be left a lone and sometimes he just wants to hang out and be close.


I think it's "just because".


Now there are instances they could be feeling afraid, insecure or even perhaps a little under the weather and want some comforting. It is hard to discern at times with out directly asking if behaviours, temps or eating habits change. Then you have an underlying issue that needs attention and investigation.

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