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Aggressive while in/on cage


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Hello everyone,


Refund's coming along pretty well. If he's off his cage (on the floor or in the bathroom) he comes right over to get on my hand and will sit there contently for as long as we both feel like. He also begs to come out of his cage, and as soon as the door's open he climbs out. He's also playing with his toys a lot more, exploring, etc.


Now, the problem. He's MEAN when he's on or in the cage. I put my hand up to him politely, and he sees me coming, but then he growls and tries to bite. I've tried telling him no and I try not to move my hand away, but I've been bitten a couple times already. We've already discovered he HATES sticks, and if I even pick one up he gets agitated and growls, or flies off the cage, where he's immediately sweet and ready to get on my hand. So at this point I can't use a stick to teach him to get off/out of the cage.


Tips? Pretty please?



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I am having the same problem with my Grey. I've only had him a few weeks and previous owner did not let him out of his cage at all. That's the first thing I did was let him out and he loves it. He's a sweet bird but sometimes he is so mean (mostly in the mornings) when I want to touch him and he bobs his head at me and will bite if I'm not careful. His first warnings are pushing his beak against my fingers and shoving off, he will bite if I don't get the message. I've noticed he is not a morning bird but in the afternoons he is much better and comes willingly then. I have come to the conclusion that if he doesn't want me to mess with him at a certain time I will try again when he's more "open" to it. Usually if I try again later he is friendly. Talk about "moody" He owns me, I don't own him;) I just wait it out.

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WOW, that article describes Refund almost perfectly. I suppose the advice given in it is a good incentive to start teaching him to step up/down. :) Thanks a lot for that link, it was really helpful!


BaxtersMom, I think Refund's problem is from a similar cause. He was in a breeding situation for the past 10+ years and was never out of his cage. I can see why he'd be a little territorial. The frustrating thing is he gives basically no warning. I reach my hand up for him to step on to, and he just growls and then lunges.


I read in the article that they shouldn't be let out of their cage until they step on your hand, so I need to work on that. Until now I've just opened the door and let him come out on his own. I don't want to push him too hard and too quick, but he drew blood last night and I don't appreciate it too much. ;)

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We get the same problem with Jacob sometimes and have found that leaving him to wander about on the top of the cage for 5 or 10 minutes, without interference, before trying to get him to step up works rather better and avoids the "get off me" biting bit, which happens when he first comes out.


Once he's worked out that he really is out of his cage and that we're doing fun stuff, he wants to come and play with us and so steps up fine.


As usual, a bit of patience and good distraction techniques work best and maybe Refund wants to take things one step at a time, as it were and make sure he's "safe" before the next one.

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I'm so glad Tyco will step up onto a perch readily she is cage territorial also but I can step her up from the cage with a perch and then transfer her to my hand after that she won't step up from her cage onto my hand she'll ite if I try. I keep trying though everyday I ask her to step up on to my hand from her cage and so far no way mabie one day she will I'm sure I'll be so shocked I'll drop her or something LOL

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Meg the only thing i disagree with in the article i provided is not allowing your grey out unless he steps up ! Greys need out of cage time,if he wont step up to allow you to return him to the cage then make sure his only food source is inside the cage,he will make his way back when the hunger strikes ;)

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If Refund can't come out of his cage unless he steps up, he'd never come out! I'm not going to deprive him of that, of course. If I'm not doing somewhing specific like taking him somewhere else in the house, I just leave the cage door open and he'll eventually go back in, like you said. :)



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