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Voicing Differneces in TAGs vs CAGs


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Hello Grey Forums,

I have another question for both TAGs and CAGs owners. I have been browsing videos on youtube of both the TAGs and CAGs. I noticed that the TAGs voices seem to be "less" clear than the CAGs. It seems that the CAGs can get the "crispness" in their voices that TAGs appear not to get. Is this because of the size differnece in the birds? Maybe it's something along the lines of the bigger the birds the larger the voice box and better the sound it can produce? Thanks!

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I have a tag and a cag the same age. I totally disagree. MY tag speaks as clear as every member of my family. She speaks, slowly, clearly, and says every syllable. My cag I have had for only 3 weeks, she doesn't speak as clear as my tag, at least not yet.

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I have had both and find both talk equally and both have the ability to pickup many words. I love both Tag and Cag. I love the fact that they are both so different from other parrots out there in looks and personality. I wouldn't trade a grey for any other parrot out there :)

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I have a Cag and she talks as clear as I do I also have a Cocateil that talks as clear as my Cag so I don't think the size of the voice box has a thing to do with any of it It has to do with ability I also have an Amazon she also talks but some of her words are not clear others she say perfectly I'm sure Tags can talk every bit as clear as Cags mabie the ones you heard where practacing new words and just didn't have them quite right yet.My Cag sounds like Me and my 2 dautghers depending on what she's saying if she's saying something they say to her she talks in their voice sometime its annoying she will be calling mom mom and I'll think its my daughter calling and when I go see what she wants she looks at me like I'm crazy and then I realize that it was the bird calling me not my daughter. It happens allot its hard to tell the difference they sound so much a like. If a Tag doesn't imatate the sound of the voice and have their own. I think my next bird will be a Tag

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