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A Random Friend for Harry


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Thought some might be interested and maybe help with a solution.


A few days ago i went outside to find a pigeon sat in the windowsil and looked like he had been there all night. I of course now being a complete bird lover put out some food for him. When he came down and got close i could see the rings so im prssuming its a racing pigeon thats got lost. (not a good one)


He hasnt moved for 5 days now he comes down and flyes from roof top to roof top but sleeps on a tiny windowsil so im sure he is uncompfortable. I Obviously tried introducing Harry in a travel cage and being the adorable bird he is he whistled away to him :P


Im not really sure what to do, i was hoping he was stopping for a rest but seems like he is now here to stay.


Has onyone had this happen before and what would you recomend doing?



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I would be cautious about getting too close to this pigeon with Harry, you don't know what kind of bugs or disease this bird could be carrying, better to be safe than sorry.


But I don't see the harm in feeding it outside and when you make contact with it be sure to wash your hands real good before you go back to touching Harry. Otherwise enjoy your new outside friend and maybe get a pic to share with us of him.

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Considering the pigeon has a band on it's leg - it might be belonging to someone - maybe you could call the pigeon racing club closest to you???


However, since he's been there a while - he may find your place 'home' now, so wherever he goes, he'll always come back!

That's one amazing thing about pigeons :) and nobody really knows how they manage to navigate their way back 'home'.


Here in South Africa there is an annual pigeon race, and the pigeons sometimes get sold after the race for exorbitant amounts of money - the pigeons come from all over the world to be trained and raced here - I can't recall the name of the race though! :blush:



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I am having a blonde moment but I wonder how that works? I mean you go to one of these races and buy a pigeon for silly amounts of money. You bring it home, and feed it and admire it, and then you let it out and it flies back to its original owner! And then the owner can go sell it to the next sucker who comes along :S


How do you teach a homing pigeon that home isnt home any more?

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lol yer :) ill take a wild stab at it and say its mayb like a cat you have to leave in for 2 weeks and then suddly they know there way home. To be honest his new home is now wit me ;)


might take your advise and sell him see if he comes back :) your not looking are you :P

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