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Creative Parrot?


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Harry is my first african grey and i cant beleive some of the sounds and noises which keep coming out of his little beak.


I was wondering does anyone know, can parrots just mimic whistling or can they make there own tunes?


I keep hearing differnt whistling tunes and think he is making them up himself as i dont remember ever whistling those with him if that makes sense lol

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They make up their own tunes and sounds. They also put together a combination of several at a time mixing words, whistles, clucks, knock s etc.


It is very amusing isn't it? :-) Sometimes just makes you laugh. B)

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Yes, you'll find they can be very creative and quite musical too! My little Lyric doesn't talk but he whistles tunes and even adds a vibratto effect to some of them. He gets very creative and it makes me laugh too.

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