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A new Grey!


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Hi! My name is Tonya and I am from Virginia. I own a Congo named "Pepper", and I just got a new Timneh yesterday, and named him "Rocky".

I got my Timneh from a lady that had the bird for 2 years. But for 6 years a Doctor had him, she never got to spend alot of time with Rocky, and one day he bit her so bad that she had to go to the doctor and get stitches in her finger. She then became scared of him, and gave him away. The new owner ket him for 2 more years, and I picked him up yesterday. When I got him, his poor little toe nails are sooo long its pitiful to look at---but, I have made him a vet appointment to get his beak and nails trimmed and shaped, and of course a well being check up.

My problem is that I am terrified that he will bite me and me have to get stitches!! What can I do to help him not be scared and help me not to be scared. I do have lots of patience, and tender loving care!


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Don't be scared or he will pick up on your fear and he will bite. I have a rescue and she is just starting to come around after 9 months don't try to much to touch him let him make that desision when he's ready spend lots of time talking to him with your hands behind your back and don't look at him straight on kinda look side ways at him if he lands on the floor don't hurry over to him to pick him up wait til he turns around and looks at you and then go pick him up if your scared to step him up onto your hand use a perch. offer him treats allot so he relizes that good thing come from you and just talk to him read out loud what ever it takes you will eventually earn his trust. if he will step up onto a perch for you try working with him away from his cage in a place where he can't see his cage this also helps sometimes if you can do that its the best way and lots and lots of patients good luck to you I commend you for taking him in he really needs some one to love him. try hard not to show any fear of him they can sense you feelings good or bad so be happy around him sing and dance and play nofear

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Welcome Tonya!!


Tycosmom has given you some good advice on a re-homed Grey. With the history you have indicated. Your Timneh is a very frustrated bird that has been pretty much cage bound for many years with minimal interaction. They need attention and a good relationship everyday.


It is not surprising that a bite needing stitches was required on an off the cuff take the birdy out and cuddle. As I am sure you know, it does not work that way.


Time and patience will be the first order, to build the mutual trust and respect needed between the two of you before the relationship can go to the next level of touching and interacting on a much more personal level.


There is nothing to fear as long as you pay attention to his body language and respect the fact that he is an adult Grey with thoughts, wants and desires of his own and he will decide how much space he needs at first to feel safe and secure in this new home and flock.


Regarding a Beak trim, unless it is truly over grown, it is normally not necessary and can be very painful to them. They do have a very sensitive beak tip, which most people do not realize. Just give plenty of toys made of wood and hard nuts such as Almonds in the shell for him to crack open and his beak will be fine.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/31 14:44

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