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Day Two - Messy Eater!


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Well, Nicky has spent the entire morning eating! I gave him a pellet/seed/nut mix with a lot more variety than the one he got in the pet shop, and he's been snacking out of it for three hours non-stop. Is that normal?


I offered him some human food too - bread and fresh raw veggies. He threw the bread away and shredded the veg, I'm not sure how much actually went down his throat.


He's a terribly messy eater. He'll get distracted while he has a pellet or nut in his beak, and drop it half-chewed - or he'll grab a random clawful of the mix, pick something out and drop the rest all over the place while he's concentrating on what's in his beak.


Going to try offering him some cooked rice and fresh fruit around lunchtime :)

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"""He's a terribly messy eater."""


They are all messy eaters but one point I would make to you is not to react to his messes, if you make a big deal out of it he will do it all the more for the reaction he gets from it.


He probably is consuming some of it but yes birds do waste a lot of food.

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Adorable little pest! In between larger parrots I'd kept budgies in the cage Nicky's now using, and put netting over the bars so they couldn't squeeze out, tied in place with nylon cord. Netting's gone now, but some of the cord is still there and he's amusing himself untying it knot by knot. Also smearing a lot of chewed-up pellets on the cord, because he's still eating...

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aren't they just endearingLOL little brats if Tyco can't find the certain pellet or nut that she's looking for she picks up hand fuls at a time and throws it out of her cage onto the floor I keep a big sheet under her cage so I can bundle it up and shake it outside everyday the wild birds love the stuff she tosses from her cage it also catches the poop if she happens to stand on the edge of her cage a let loose and I just throw the sheet in the washer every couple days and get a her other one out All my birds have 2 sheet so I can change them when 1 need to be washed it make clean up a whole lot easier.

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Oh yes they are messy and they will redecorate your walls for you given half the chance. We gave them bluberry bushes one day without really thinking about it and came home to find blueberry's all over the walls, not to mention blueberry stains on their faces.


Wait until he decides that your shirt or the furniture is a good place to wipe the food off of his beak:)

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darth_mint wrote:

He's a terribly messy eater. He'll get distracted while he has a pellet or nut in his beak, and drop it half-chewed - or he'll grab a random clawful of the mix, pick something out and drop the rest all over the place while he's concentrating on what's in his beak.:)


Welcome to the Parrot World. The bigger the mess they can make, the more they will go at it.... BIG FUN :-)

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Sounds like he's doing great eating for you and trying lots of good foods. Yeah, playing with your food is half the fun of it- you know they are perpetual 3 year olds don't you? Hee hee- get used to cleaning... it never stops with a bird.

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