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Parrot foot problems update


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Hi all...


a while ago i made a post about adannas feet..


Well as i said before, the vet gave me two lots of cream that she had a reaction to so i wasn't overly happy today with another trial cream..


Took her in, and the vet said that she has two litle pressure sores on her foot, but nothing to worry about at the moment.. I asked what might have caused this, and she said excessive perching (adanna never sits still unless shes pooped). I said to her that when adanna was born her foot was broken, and asked if that might be a reason for it. Anyway she says that is more than likely the reason for the sore, as the bones oin her foot might not have connected properly. Adanna is able to do everything she wants to do and more so i never really look at her foot as a prob, although she does tend to sit with three claws to the front on that foot when shes really tired :P:P


So took her away today, after her full M.O.T and the vet said she was in perfect health, and said she wished more of her parrots came in as healthy and happy as her....


I am going to get her foot x-rayedthough to see if thats the problem, then see about corrwecting it for her if it causes any dis-comfort (doesn't even bother her though, and never has since she was born- and shes 3 now..


Just a little update for u all...


xoxoxoxmichelle and baby parrot<br><br>Post edited by: shelly_quin, at: 2008/07/30 23:50

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Thanks for the update on Adanna .To be honest if her foot has been like this from birth & she is nearly three now i would leave alone.If she was in pain you would have known about it by now,she can do everything,perch climb etc.If she was mine i wouldnt take the risk of surgery.most corrections to foot problems are done when greys are young,but you must do what you feel is right,just my opinion ;)

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as i said, i wont do it unless she really starts to suffer from it, cause she is super active and fit. She is used to it like we are... The person that took her back to the breeders when she was 14 weeks old done us a favour... they had her two days and then took her back to the breeder and said they didnt want a disabled parrot :o:O:O


Our warrot as we call her is perfect, and we wouldn't change her for the world, shes family and we love the little bones of her :)

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If she is 3 years old now she is doing just fine like she is, I wouldn't worry about correcting her now, she does not know she is any different from any other grey.


How shallow they must be to not want her because she wasn't perfect, but their loss and your gain as Tracy put it.

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i know :P:P Adanna is totally perfect to us... yeah it is shallow, but i know some people just want CAG's cause people think better of them with a decent bird... Never mind spending the time with them, helping them develop and grow??


thanksfor all you replys xoxox

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