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Toy Bells


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I have a question about the ringers inside of toy bells.

The breeder I got Echo from told me to make sure that I remove them from inside the bells because he could get hurt or swollow it, is this true? I am talking about middle to large bells. Mark posted a great picture of the skewer he uses and I noticed the bell at the bottom,that is what prompted this question. Any thoughts on this?


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The small bells you might want to take the ringers out because they will if you don't but don't worry about the large ones. I have one of those indestructable bells and Josey cannot get the ringer out of it. The smaller ones they could swallow it when they remove it so thats why it is suggested you do it first.

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Hi judygram,

Thank you for the input. When you say you have one of those indestructable bells are they the ones that are inside a hard plastic bell shape toy? I had bought one of those for Echo and he was not interested at all. My caique inheritaged it:laugh:

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TBird just destroyed one of those plastic balls with bell. I used it on his play gym so I could monitor but no more for TBird! I am going to make stainless steel condiment cups with washers for a bell.

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I just bought a big brass bell for each of my bird they could try to get the ringer out but I doubt very must if they could I tested it first and if I can't do it with a pair of plyers and all my strength they sure aren't going to be able to but boy has it ever been loud around here for the last couple of days:laugh: :woohoo: :S

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Dorian has one of those big bells to, but it's powder coated blue. I've watched him try to get to the ringer and he definately can't. He also likes to attack it. He screams at it, hangs from it, bangs it against the cage, just for the racket it makes I think. He also rings it quietly if he hears me up in the morning and feels I'm not getting to him fast enough, or if he wants me to go to him. Like a room service bell. We really are their servants, aren't we? Of course in that situation if the bell doesn't work, the volume and calls get louder very fast!

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LOL! My hubby was very against giving Zahzu a bell for just that reason - the noise! But she has one anyway ;-) We all know who's boss around here! I've only ever caught her playing with it once (one of those indestructible ones), and she swings it and bangs it around rather than rings it! I hung a little toy guitar up from the side of her cage - it has beads encased in it, and she has discovered the pleasure of banging things against the cage bars too! I guess it's an outlet for frustration maybe?? Heheh..

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I'm not sure I know what type of brass bell you are all talking about. Where do you purchase them? Maybe we have the same stores here that I can check out. Making them out of those condiment cups are pretty interesting, let me know how that works out.


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