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help with molting & preening...


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heyyyyyy... havent been on here for a while so hiya folks...


Sensei is doing fab - he says bad boy now & bad bad boy - been singing bad boy (bird) bad boy (bird) what ya gonna do what ya gonna do when they come for u.... as there r loadsa clips on u tube with greys saying that.... he picked it up a treat...


I have now seen a total of 3 feathers (main ones) off sensei... they havent been pulled out from root but they have been snapped off as there half of one & u can see where it has snapped... 2 were grey & 1 was red... dont think he is plucking but he is preening an awlful lot which loks like he is pulling at his feathers - is this preening...... ruffling through there feathers with beak as though a cat would lick themselves clean....


also I need to know more about this molting/losing 1s coat as my boy if about 10mths old now - when do they lose 1st set & how long does it take to grow back...


Hope to hear from u all soon.. its great to be back :-)



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What a character your Bad Boy Sensei is! :-)


He could be in his first molt, which most of our Greys are now. Have you noticed a lot of the down feathers too when cleaning the bottom of the cage?


When the feathers are being pushed out by the new and become lose. They pull them the rest of the way out themselves while preening. Then, most will play with the feather, bite it in half etc.


The other possibility on some of the snapped feathers, is they could have become damaged while playing and he removed them.

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he loves his harness now take him out on it when nice weather...... just want to get a extension for it now too..anyone tried this - I am worried about him going 40feet in sky.... cause he isant as easy to handle then.... not within close range to grab if need be.... hmmmmmmm any recommendations...? x

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They normally molt start their first molt anywhere from 8 months on. Dayo started molting in Jan at 9 months. He is still molting now. He first lost large quantities of downy feathers, then moved on to some neck, mid-back etc. He has now lost all but 3 of his tail feathers and one primary flight.


The first molt is the heaviest and most complete they will go through in there lives, so be prepared for may more feathers in the coming months. :-)


I am keeping dayos mid to large feathers and am going to make a "Dream Catcher" adorned with them.

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Your bird won't go bald don't worry they don't lose all their feathers at once they will lose one and the matching one on the otherside and so it goes until all the feather evetually are replaced it takes anywhere from 3 to 5 months to lose all their feathers my birds are molting also right now but its not like last year this year they are only losing a few last year Fergie lost most of her feather on her head neck back and wings this year its just a few around the neck and chest and she got new flights as she was cliped last year but she's fully flighted now.

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magicalem wrote:

he loves his harness now take him out on it when nice weather...... just want to get a extension for it now too..anyone tried this - I am worried about him going 40feet in sky.... cause he isant as easy to handle then.... not within close range to grab if need be.... hmmmmmmm any recommendations...? x


I got the extension for the aviator harness, used it once and never again. She was wrapping it around trees and bushes and totally freaking herself out :ohmy:


So now I stick to the short leash!

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thats exactly what I thougt.. maybe best to used in a massive open space such as a heath - I have one near me but still - u dont have much control as u do with the short one..... i agree with u on that one - i may still get but am a bit apprehensive now... thanx for advice...xx

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